I was reading an Edmunds.com article on how to help prevent auto theft. One of the tips was never leave any personal information in the car unattended such as registration or insurance info, carry it on you instead.I've always left registration form in the glove box since it's an 8 x 10 piece of paper, sort of big for a wallet.Anyone get burned leaving registration in glove box?
I'm really bad about leaving stuff in my car. I leave my wallet in the center console. A checkbook in the bottom drawer. My car registration is in my glove box, along with my insurance.
Can't say that I've been burned, but I would chip in that this seems to be regional. I also am from the Bay Area and was taught that those documents always stay with the car. However, when I lived in Texas, I was odd man out. Many people there keep those documents in their wallets.
i am in california, so i will just report California's info. when the car is parked and unattended, you do not have to leave the registration or proof of insurance in the car - i do anyway California requires you to carry the original registration or a facsimile copy when your driving around with it... what does this mean? not only do you not have to carry the original around, but it does not actually regulate the size of the facsimile copy, no where in the vehicle code does it say it has to be the same size. so i have mine reduced to 2" x 2" , or you could be a real jerk and blow it up to 8" x 11" or larger if you want
Can never get a straight state story here, even at DMV. So by [my own] tradition: Registration card (wallet size) -- in wallet Insurance card (4" x 6") -- in lower glove box Title (legal size) -- in safe deposit box gloves -- in upper glove box
I keep the original car registration and insurance ID card at home. I have a copy of both in my wallet and on my computer. But oftentimes, I also have a copy in the car.
you could print out registration cards and proof of insurance cards on business cards that way you could carry them with you.. and pass them out... heh
I leave the registration in the glove box -- that way it is in the car if my wife takes the car by herself. The title is locked up at home.
I'm terribly lazy about all this. Half the time I don't even manage to get the proof of insurance into the car. I usually get the registration in there, but I certainly wouldn't rely on my bad memory to carry it with me separately. Plus, three different people use my car, so the problem would be compounded. I guess we're lucky we don't live in a high-crime area.