Date Ordered: 05 November 2003 Dealer: Tysons Toyota, McLean VA Timeframe given for delivery: initially before the end of 2003. Color:Tideland Pearl Option Package: BC I'm in a quandry. So I ordered the car in November and was told the car could be delivered by the end of December. Then I was told that the prediction had been overly optimistic and the car wouldn't come until March. In February, my salesperson told my car would come in between March 8 and 12. Than at the end of February, he told me he was leaving the dealership and the car would be coming in at the end of March. In early March the new salesperson called me to say the car is coming in between March 8 and 12. Last week he called me to say "my Prius has arrived!" I went to see the car and it turned out to be black :? , which was my third choice backup color (obviously one of the cars on the truck that someone saw being unloaded). When I asked the salesperson whether I could pass on the black car and wait for my first choice, he said I could but I would go to the bottom of the waiting list. :x I said this made no sense and asked to speak to a manager, who said that I would have to go to the bottom of the list because there were no more '04s available and would have to wait 8 months and pay $500 more. :cussing: I finally reached another manager who said, no, I would not go to the bottom of the list if I passed on the black car. He directed me to the inventory manager who confirmed that I would not go to the bottom of the list. But the inventory manager, who was straightforward :lol: , said that there are three Tideland Pearl orders ahead of mine. And that my first two choices, Tideland and Seaside Pearl, are rare. He said Koons hasn't received any Tidelands in the previous few allocations. I don't know whether to gamble and wait for my first or second choice, because I have no sense of how long it will be until one comes in. Any advice? :? Post split from another post by Jim to follow uniform guidelines of the Order Tracking forum
Originally posted by Stan Wilson in another thread: Black is cool...go for it. I ordered silver...accepted white...doesn't make a's all in your mind. The car is the thing, not the color. The enjoyment of a Prius is the thing.
take the black. when i first got my subaru 6 years ago i hated red, i got the red. it was a much smaller mental hurdle than i thought it was going to be. much like the first time i tried sushi. black is dope. you'll be happy. -r
While no one can really tell you what you'll like and what you won't, I think you'd be surprised at how little the colour will really bother you. Follow your instincts, but it was your 3rd choice. If it was your dead last choice, I'd say hold out. But if you've got little chance at getting your first two, and black was #3, surely you don't hate the idea too much, right? It looks sharp in black, too. Just be sure to get the windows tinted; it'll get warm in the summer in VA.
msn, Your plight is so discouraging, since we share the same dealership. My salesperson has left, so I fear a huge run-around. Did we have the same salesman? hmd
I turned down a Black #9 in March in the hope that I might get my first or second-choice colors (Blue or Green) in the April allocations. Yesterday the dealer told me that in the just-announced allocation, there were no package #9 Priuses for the dealership at all. The next allocation won't be until the 19th. Then this morning he called to say he just got hold of a package #9 in Driftwood Pearl, which is my last choice color. He said I can take it or swap it for Tideland Pearl (Green) or Seaside Pearl (Blue) if either comes in on the next allocation. What do folks think of the Driftwood color?
It looks a lot nicer "in real life" than it does in the prochure, I think. I currently am down for a Tideland Pearl (green-gray), and I think I'm going to open it up to a Driftwood Pearl as well. For lots of pictures of Driftwood (and some Tideland) Pearl Prii, as well as links, see this PriusChat thread. Someone was asking the exact same question you are.
Go for it, kiddo; the post is right, the brochures don't really show you what the color looks like unless you're looking at the black or white samples. Driftwood is fine. I decided I'd take any color and live with it just to get a car and get on with the rest of my life. B
I wasn't sure when the dealer called about Driftwood, either, but it's a great color, depending on the light, sometimes gold, sometimes more silver, sort of champagne color! See my personal gallery for pictures at: on a sunny day in the Northwest.
I hate to contradict everyone above but black is a difficult color to live with. I talked my wife into a black metallic Honda in '86 and it was a real pain to keep clean, every speck of dirt and mud showed :cussing: . The only time the car appeared shiny and clean was the day it got washed. Also do a test in a parking lot on a sunny day and place your hand on a black car :cussing: and then a white one . Bottom line is on my orders I requested any color except black. If you don't care about a car appearing clean or getting hot in the sun go for it.
Picked up my Seaside Pearl #9 Prius I almost went into cardiac arrest when my salesperson called to tell me that my vehicle had been rolled off the truck 10 minutes ago. My Seaside Pearl #9 was supposed to arrive during the last week of May, but the straight-shooting inventory manager told me that the boat was delayed and that the car would come between June 1 and June 4. I called the dealer on the 1st and my salesperson told me that it hadn't arrived, but that several other Priuses had. Then on June 3, the salesperson said it still hadn't arrived and that it might not arrive until June 9. But he said he had a good feeling it would arrive on June 4. Sure enough, he called yesterday to say that the car was at the dealership and we drove it home last night. Seaside Pearl was our second-choice color, but it was our son's first choice and since he's almost 7, he calls the shots. Now I've seen it, I think it's a fantastic color, worth waiting for.