Hello fellow priusts.. I am just about to do an oil change for my new 2008 prius.. how hard is it compared to other plain-ol'jane vehicles? Can anyone provide me some directions on this.. and what to check, etc.?? I was shooting for Mobil 1 Synthetic... 0w.. but which one is better.. 0w-20 or 0w-30 on mobil 1's website it states that i should get 0w-30 but i hear so much noise about 0w-20.. i live in southern california where the winters here get the lowest.. 34 degrees and the hottest 110. also as for other things like transaxle oil flushes i hear... my car is new but i would like a sense of this as well.. also air filters still should be replaced every 15k-20k like standard cars?? as for cabin filters... please keep changing that ... but how do u get the glove box off?? i know ima noob and i have a lot of questions but i would really appreciate like some assistance... (Everytime i drive by another prius.. i feel like we are own bike crew.. LOL) Peace.
:welcome: Welcome to PriusChat rhk107! Take a look at John1701a's many manuals. About half-way down the page you'll find instructions on changing the oil and filter, and cabin air filter. Both are super easy. Be sure and follow the schedule in your Maintenance Passport and document your parts purchases to keep your warranty in full force. As for the transaxle, keep reading here. When the time comes, you'll know what needs to be done.
I have no opinion on that. I'm not sure the extra cost of synthetic oil is offset by any performance or milage boost. The Prius ICE doesn't work very hard and, when it runs, isn't subjected to the same stress a conventional car imposes on its engine or oil.
5W-30 is the only viscosity recommended by Toyota for North American Prius. Some owners use xW-20 viscosity, however I think this is risky for summer use in our area - suppose you decide to visit Las Vegas or Arizona and are cruising along at 75+ mph. Regarding transaxle oil changes - if you want to take extra good care of your car I suggest the first change at 10K miles to get rid of Si coming from the transaxle sealant used - then subsequent changes at 30K mile intervals.
I have been using the synthetic Penzoil Platinum 0W-20 in the intense heat in Texas and have never had a problem. The car likes the oil, and I am getting app 49 mpg with it.
Start by reading the Owner's Manual and the Scheduled Maintenance Guide that came with the car. Then you'll at least know what Toyota thinks the car needs.
I would just use a synthetic 5w30 or 0w30 at least while you are in your 60,000 mile Powertrain warranty, after that feel free to experiment with the 5w20 oil. The oil changes are just as easy (if not easier) then a normal car. All you need is about 3.5 quarts.
There are some used oil reports where someone used Mobil 1 0W20 oil. They are in the appropriate section of this forum. Toyota does not allow 20 weight oils to be used in the Prius, although they call for it in most of their other vehicles. Probably due to the frequent engine start stops of the Prius. I would not worry about a 20 weight oil in the heat. I would worry about the 20 weight oil if you do a lot of city driving, because your Prius would then see a lot of fuel dilution. Prius' used oil analysis have seen evidence of fuel dilution and a thicker oil will help prevent problems from fuel dilution. Having said that I have used 5W20 oil with success on my Prius too.