I enjoyed this, and the comments following: Overrated: Is the Prius really worth it? - WalletPop Blog
I think what they guy wrote is fair - a bit biting - maybe the numbers are a bit off but really I think the people who have done the math have determined that there are many many better choices over the Prius if your primary goal is to save money.
I agree. Plus, there are a lot of people who just can't afford buying a $25K Prius, or any lesser priced new car. BTW, my neighbor vouches for those Metro gas mileage numbers too.
please see my comments posted on the page linked....... some folks just don't get it....... who is that Bruce Waton guy anyway? I've never seen any of his stuff before.
The house special tonight is filet of Troll: You can have it roasted, broiled, or any flame prepared way of your choice. I prefer my Troll very, very well done. One step from charcoal. Having driven a rental GEO Metro, it was as comfortable as two Honda 350s strapped to a metal container housing the most uncomfortable seats I've ever sat in. Fortunately, I was a little hung over so the Metro was the perfect end to the trip. Bob Wilson
Geo Metro! Bah! Can you get 2 adults in the back seat comfortably? Can you put anything in the smallish hatch area? Safety features? I purchased a 1988 Honda CRX-HF back in the day. I didn't even want to look at the Chevy Sprint (later to become the metro/Suzuki swift)....a 3 cyl engine did not interest me. The CRX-HF was rated at 45 mpg City and 51 mpg highway, but was only a 2 seater. I regularily got 50+ mpg in mixed driving on the original 10 speed tires (Pirelli P165 13"). Got 56 mpg driving UP to Lake Tahoe (and 58 mpg driving back down!). Upgraded the tires and my mileage went down about 5 mpg. Add in MTBE and a faster speed limit and it was down to 42 mpg on my 20 mile (mostly hwy) commute. Still, I miss that car, had to part ways when our first child came along. I've waited for a 5 passenger car to come along that could match the mpg's, and guess what......the Prius can do it!
I bought a CRX the first year they were available in the U.S. Mine was the larger engine version with performance tires, but I still got great mileage. It was a wonderful little car, with the emphasis on little. Tom
Nah, excellent response. Once a week, I make a trip to the local Walmart Superstore cause they carry a breakfast food item for about 50% less than any other supermarket. I always make a point of parking next to a Geo Metro that is always in the same parking spot (I'm guessing an unfortunate Walmart employee, since it is there without fail). I'm always amazed to look at the two cars side by side and realize that my car gets better mileage than that little deathtrap.
whew! glad someone pointed out to me that used cars were cheaper than new ones. i wasn't capable of observing that on my own.
drove a few of the older versions along with the Chevy Sprint and others... they were cheaply made but did get great mileage. we had a few that got close to 50 mpg...but they started falling about at 50-60,000 miles. granted they were fleet cars, driven as hard as they could be driven, jackrabbit starts, etc... but they all fell apart. now we felt it was the nature of the job (car parts delivery) but there was also one that was used primarily by the secretary (also the bosses' wife, etc) that was driven very conservatively and it also fell apart around 60,000 as well.
I used to drive a Geo Metro. two adults in back seat comfortably: check. I did that a few times with no complaints. storage area: More than I had in my larger Toyota Echo. safety features: Was rear-ended, minimal damage to car, no damage at all to me.
I drove a Metro as well all thru college and beyond. I easily fit 5 adults, similar to Prius. I didn't drive conservatively (I was a 19 year old girl - I beat it up!) and mine lasted to 98,000 miles, at which time I rear-ended someone and totaled the poor thing. It held up well in the crash, protecting all occupants as well as any larger car would have. It was mechanically sound until I changed that with the wreck, and I have to say it was probably THE MOST reliable car I've ever owned! I thought the hatch storage was fine - fit two bikes back there with the seats folded down, and all my dorm junk with the seats up. And although in my early 20's (with gas at .99 a gallon) I didn't always feel the need to calculate my mileage, any time I DID check throughout the life of the car, I got 50+ mpg. I love my Prius, but if I could have that car back as a second car, I'd take it in a second!
You overpaid. I can buy a used bike at a garage sale in working order for around $20...or even $10 if I'm willing to ride around on a kids bike (think Geo Metro) that is all pink with white tires and assorted Barbie insignia. How's that for savings? :cheer2:
Yeah, but rocket propulsion on a bicycle really isn't very efficient. Maybe you should think about using another type of fuel?