This is Lucyjeanne writing. I have not written in a while but I was suprised to read recently that folks are STILL having a long wait for a 2005 Prius. I myself was on a LIST at one dealer for months and I waited and waited ----and then I heard about Dan Hecht Toyota in Effingham, IL. I got on THEIR list and bingo! I had a car in one month. Moreover, they are the nicest folks you could ever hope to deal with. I wrote this info a while back and many folks on THIS forum were able to get their cars at Dan Hecht Toyota-- quickly! So, here is the info again: contact JOSH NIEMEYER at Dan Hecht Toyota at 1-800-342-1892. He told me that he had one Prius that has been on the lot for weeks unspoken for---and he was getting-- or already received 5 more! Unspoken for!!!!!! Lordy be!!!! JOSH NIEMEYER is honest to the core and everyone who has done business with Dan Hecht Toyota in Effingham, IL has reported that they wish that the dealership was closer to their homes so that they could get their service done there!!!! Call them. I do not think there will even be a short wait as it sounded like they, indeed, had 5 -2005 Prius cars-- unspoken for!!! Good luck! You will love the dealership. All dealerships should be that nice. PS--Write back and tell us if you got a car and if you had to wait at all! Also, tell the folks on line here how NICE and honest they are. Josh Niemeyer could not be more honest or nicer or accomodating.
Re: My dealer in Effingham,IL has 5 new Prius unspoken for!! I have been lurking here for about a month trying to decide whether I wanted to trade my 2005 Pontiac in on a new Prius. After driving one for an hour, I knew this is what I had to do. I called Dan Hecht Chev-Toyota in Effingham and made a deal on the phone for one of these 5 autos they have in stock. My Pontiac is being delivered tomorrow to their dealership in Effingham and my new Prius will be at my house Friday am in Ft. Myers,Fl.. Many years ago when I lived in the midwest, I met Dan Hecht before He became a dealer at Effingham and we became friends. Dan passed away several years ago and His Sons run this wonderful dealership. I too wish that I lived close enough to take my new Prius in for service at their store. I am looking forward to driving this wonderful car and will still be lurking here.
A LOT of dealers who charge over MSRP or load up on high profit, after-market stuff, have Prius' sitting on the lots. I've yet to find any dealer selling at MSRP without a ton of options tacked on with a Prius in stock. Sorry... cynical be me middle name. Hope I'm wrong though.
LucyJeane, Flying; I hope to see a couple new Prii at our next Chicagoland meet-up. And let us know if Prius(cynic)ham is correct about the mark-up and the options. I could imagine that the reason cars are on the lots is that waiters are passing on them due to dealer-installed options and mark-ups.
i bought mine from F-ingham IL too cause I live in st louis. they were really nice and honest people... seriously. they asked my dad if he wanted an extended warrantly, my dad said no, and that was the end of it. they didn't add anything on to my prius that i didn't ask for and when I asked if they charged over msrp, bob hecht gave a suprised udder and simple said no, we don't do that here.
Dan Hecht Toy. absolutely does NOT charge above price! Dear Priusham, There really ARE some good guys left in this world! Dan Hecht Toyota and JOSH Niemeyer and Bob Hecht absolutely do NOT charge above the regular price! I actually called them last night and spoke to the owner. They are a remarkable dealership in that they get 3-5 Prius at a time and at times the list is minimal. But they do go quickly due to these postings. However, they get new shipments regularly. Everyone who buys from them is QUITE impressed with their integrity and their honesty. NOTE "Flying's" comments and "Flareak's" comments. As Tony said, that says it all. Good luck to you all. Let us know what you think if you buy a car from them. Best, Lucy Jeanne
Lu, I'm delighted to be wrong if that's the case. I'll take your word they have a new, no-markup, no option-laden, Prius just sitting on the lot for weeks. It doesn't make sense... but hey, I've bought two Prius in the past year and I'm too lazy to call them myself for a third. I've been on the Internet or what passed as it, since 1988 or so. Being exposed to so much has made me one skeptical son of a gun. Speaking of which... Your message was also word for word posted under a different username to the Prius-online website. I don't know if you professionally write automobile ad copy, but I detected a very shmarmy, used-car-dealer style to your post If you don't do that for a living, you should. You're pretty good! Yeah, I'm an engineer with a minor in English - how'd that happen? Regardless, you tripped my built in spam alert. Love your keyboard. Take it easy on that exclaimation point key. 'K? ;-)
I did post message at priusonline, also <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusham\";p=\"73149)</div> Dear Priusham, I DID post a similar message at priusonline as I was quite enthused about the fact that Dan Hecht Toyota had 5 unspoken for Prius cars! It seemed unheard of! I wish that was the case when I bought my "baby"a year ago from Dan Hecht Toyota-- though I only had to wait a month at that time. I do NOT use my real name on either site. I know that some of the fellows do use their real names-- and maybe some of the gals do too. But I am new to this stuff --and I do not use my real name. However, I do love my car and I am eternally grateful to Dan Hecht Toyota for my Prius. If I had stayed on the waiting list for the dealership in St. Louis-- I would still be waiting......... Best, Lucy Jeanne
its really not that suprising because F-ing ham is really a smaller town with interstates running through it. Its a rural area with around.. 5000 people?? i dont remember what Josh said but you aren't going to find a lot of financially able Prius buyers just waiting to grab all the Prius. They used to get about 2 per month and since they had such a small waiting list.. people from STL and chicago went there to get them. and then they somehow won a prius selling award which is why they are getting extra prius now.
Re: My dealer in Effingham,IL has 5 new Prius unspoken for!! When I was looking for a Prius downstate (and I wound up buying very UP out of state!), I came across an article about the demand for Prius in the Bloomington, IL newspapers. The point of the article was that people with a 15-minute commute in the Bloomington area were not buying every hybrid in sight. They were just not warming up the vehicle enough to benefit. Sounds like a Normal reaction to me. :roll: