About a six months ago I noticed a fairly large smudge of stuff on the plastic near the parking brake pedal. The substance causing the mark feels like a very light oil. I assumed it had gotten there from my left shoe (even though my shoe wasn't oily) wiped it up with some solvent and forgot about it. Now the mark is back and it's definitely not from my shoe, it's coming from the car. It's on the plastic in front of the pedal (pic 1) and also on the plastic just behind the pedal (pic 2). Has anyone else seen this, or does anyone have any ideas what is causing it? TIA, Jeff Edit: The parking brake is engaged (pedal depressed) in these pictures.
Excess lube from the parking brake cable. A lot of folks have seen this. I clean it up a few times a year with Simple Green when I'm cleaning the interior of the car. I seems to be worse in the summer when the heat thins out the lube.
The light was shining just right this morning and I noticed the "oil slick" by my parking brake too. Then remembered seeing something on PC about it, looked it up when I got home. Thanks to the OP for asking the question, and thanks to Picasso moon for a forthright answer. PC is the place to go for answers!