Here are some helpful links. 1) See the PDF attached below for Stages of operation of the Prius (with useful web links on P&G etc. embedded in the PDF ) 2) See PDF attached below for summary of FE driving tips 3) Xgauge codes from Cleanmpg: "The SGII xgauge database" 4) Discussion of SHM (Super Highway Mode) techniques at cleanmpg: "New Prius - 'Super Highway Mode' Technique (SHM)" Discussions of IGN, TPS, GPS and other. 5) How to use SOC to maximize FE: Cleanmpg: "NHW20 Prius Keeping SoC lower for better FE" 6) IGN: "Scangauge IGN value" at Cleanmpg 7) BTA: How to use battery current: "xgauge battery settings" 8) This link for JimboK's preferred settings: "Scangauge and Fuel Efficiency" post dated 8/10/08 9) Pulse and Glide: "Pulse & Glide...accelerate fast or slow" (Not Scangauge heavy but useful) 10) "Warp Stealth: A Prius Driver's Guide" 11) Teddy Girl's Technique (she has no Scangauge)
I just got my Scan Gauge yesterday. Ordered it on Friday and got it Monday, couldn't ask for better. I've been searching the post to see what settings would be best. I wish they had a scan gauge for dummies with what settings to put it on and what to try to maintain while driving. Right now I'm using the MPG, RPM, TPS, and some others on the 4th setting. Just did a 3500 mile road trip and wish I had it before the trip. I still averaged 46.5 for the trip. My average since I got the car is 47 MPG. Jon
I can't find the old thread on stages of operation to post there. This has been the most helpful piece of information I have ever found. I have to pull over and stop to get the car in stage 4 on my commute because there are so few lights, and my mileage has improved with less 3b driving. I find that the car reverts to 3b behavior some mornings, and needs to be forced a second time into stage 4. I don't remember this being mentioned, and wonder if I have a problem. I also wondered if this stageing occurs with the TCH and if a scangauge would help with our TCH as well. Maybe this isn't the thread for these questions, but I can't find one any better.
I updated the post that jps000 linked above (#8 on the list). I recently bought a splitter that allows two OBDII devices to be used simultaneously, so I now am using CAN-View and ScanGauge. Here's the five stages document. In that document and elsewhere, Hobbit describes the opening of the secondary cooling loop some time after S4 begins, which causes a temporary reversion to S2-like behavior -- i.e., the ICE won't shut off at all while driving. Is that what you're experiencing? This is temporary and resolves within a minute or two without the S4 "idle check." The only other time I see a backward progression through the stages is after an extended glide or stop in conditions that allow the ICE temp to drop back below the S3/S4 threshold of 157F. Anyway, it's a little off-topic here, so we might be better off with a new thread if you think it's worthy of more discussion. Not sure about the TCH's behavior, but I believe the SG will help with any car. The folks at CleanMPG have made good use of it in virtually any model car out there, it seems.
I would like to add the thread with my more-user-friendly manual. With things not found in the original like a table of contents and readable font and put it in an order that made more sense to me. I skipped some of the details, and added a couple Prius-specific XGauges.