I'd buy one! I don't see it as impractical. I don't need mu commuter car to be able to solve all my family transportation problems. I drive this to/from work and buy a high mileage honda odessy for weekends.
I guess it has it's good points.. the trouble is, in the UK at least, it's not classed as a "proper" car (It's classed as a quad bike!) so does not require crash testing, neither does the existing G-Whiz EV. Total death traps in a 30mph accident! G-Wiz Crash Test Unfair : TreeHugger <-- 30mph crash. Unfair my a$$! Maybe of use in London where there is a "congestion charge" for ICE vehicles. The Prius is currently exempt as are EVs and "others". The new "G-Wiz-i" model appears to be much better.. http://www.goingreen.co.uk/crashtest.wmv <-- 25mph
Well like the Reva (G-Whizz to the poms) we shall never see this on the road in Australia because it doesn't meet Australian crash safety standards. You can't register a quad bike for regular road use here either but for farmers between paddocks, you can. Good luck to them in producing commercial volumes of these vehicles, the more there are on the market the sooner a marketable product will reach our shores.
this is a highway speed minicar and first only for company use ( pizza etc ) there maybe will be a 4 seat carlike thing in the future
I wonder how long it will be until DuraCell sues them. It sure sounds like the "Dura" in DuraCar is a play on the DuraCell name.
I would like to see more electric cars on the road but the GWIZ/REVA is simply not safe. REVA Wants You to Swap Your Gas Cap for a Death Trap | Autopia from Wired.com The video in this article is funny, (and yes a little unfair) but basically shows the REVA loosing in a crash with a wooden table. The best quote in it: "Of course, there were some drawbacks: the REVA (sold in Britain, where the pic was snapped, as the G-Wiz) is made of plastic, it looks like a PowerWheels version of a first-gen RAV4 and offers slightly less crash protection than a cardboard box filled with broken glass and live scorpions."
And your point is ? Are VAN drivers exempt from safe vehicles ? ( I know US pickup drivers are!) Van or not.. it's still classed as a quadracycle in the EU.. so it does not require crash testing. Probably as safe as the first incarnation of the G-Wiz (REVA)