DNS is in the process of propagating with the new Name-Server information now. That means one of three things... either you still see the old website, you see nothing at all (eek!), or you finally get to see the new website. The "New photos from last Fall" are only available on the new (which is a faster website with much more bandwidth). Please let me know what your status is... especially if something breaks as a result of the switch over. (Thanks!)
John, According to both domain name servers for john1701a.com (as listed in whois), the IP address for your site is This server still shows what I assume is the "old" information. The timeouts on the DNS records look to be just under 3 hours, so it really shouldn't take much longer than that for any changes to propogate -- once they are made. Or did you change registrars (from CORE to someone else) and you're waiting for the domain to transfer to the new registrar (and/or new nameservers)? Gene P.S. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, let me know and I'll provide more details in "English."
I'm with the same registrar, all that changed was the name-server. This is the same thing I had to do last September with my previous upgrade. The behavior then was odd. It was hit or miss for about a day. Sometimes I'd see the new site, sometimes the old. I've been monitoring 6 different whois providers. The count showing the new info is now up to 3. So it's slowly getting there. Unforunately, when I ping, the old IP is still being returned. So I can't even see my own website directly yet. (I can cheat though, by using a pass-through URL.) Anywho, patience is wearing thin. I've been looking forward to this for awhile and wonder if I set everything up correctly...
Minor note: http://john1701a.com/ works, but: http://www.john1701a.com/ doesn't seem to be pointed to the virtual server at this time. So if you're having trouble at this point, make sure you're not adding the www to the beginning of the URL.
"www" will not show my website anymore. After 2.5 years of having to deal with that undesired alternate, it has been permanently disabled. http://john1701a.com is what everyone must use now. If it is showing a prompt of some sort, I'm baffled. None of the 5 computers (4 different versions of Windows) have exhibited that. And without any detail whatsoever, there is no way to debug. My guess is that it is actually a temporary brower/server cache problem that will self-correct after the switch-over is finally complete. If not, I need more info from you...
John, I refreshed my browser (Safari) as well as deleted the cache. I still see the last update as Sunday, March 14th. The same page loads using IE as well. Jeff
Thursday morning and I see 3/18. When I type "www.john1701a.com" into the address line (IE6), I am redirected to "https://www.john1701a.com:19638/webhost/rollout/site". FWIW