My purse was stolen two weeks ago, hence a lost smart key to my 2005 Prius. I found one on ebay and took it today to my Toyota dealer for programming. An hour later, the tech returned saying it would not program. He said the battery wasn't the problem. I asked about trying to fix the key, perhaps replacing a computer chip. He said he didn't do that. So, I purchased a new key for $310. Now, my question is...can the used key fob be repaired and kept as a spare? Who would likely fix it? perhaps a locksmith?
While it's possible that the keyfob is defective, I rather doubt it. More likely the keyfob has been cycled too many times for the immoblizer computer to synchronize with it. Some people have had success with resetting the immobilizer, as opposed to just trying to add a keyfob. Apparently a reset immobilizer does a better job of figuring out a keyfob code than one that has a history of usage. This is a big deal for the technician. It takes a lot longer to go through the hassle of calling the Toyota computer center for a reset code. And there's still no guarantee, just a better chance. Strictly a dealer service, and probably 1 to 1 1/2 hours job for a technician who knows their stuff. There are actually 4 different locking systems in the keyfob. There's the mechanical key, the transponder (keyslot function), the button press function, and the proximity (smart) function. There are several different keyfobs. The major distinction is black versus silver logo units. If the Toyota logo on the keyfob is black, then it only works with the button and keyslot functions. If the Toyota logo is silver, then it additionally works with the proximity (smart/SKS) system. The 2004 smart keyfob only works with 2004 vehicles. Later version keyfobs are compatible with 2004 on. The European two-button keyfob is yet another different device. Since you already have the eBay keyfob, I'd recommend programming the keyslot function. That should work with all keyfob versions. The dealer should have been able to handle that, but maybe gave up when the proximity/button functions failed. There are programming instructions on this forum that have worked for others, so why not just give it a try? A keyslot-only keyfob can be used as a backup. I keep one hidden inside my car (with an uncut key). Then I have several $2 mechanical keys duplicated from the original keyfob mechanical key. I keep one in my wallet, and another that I use when I go running. The mechanical key gets me into the car, and then the keyslot-only key lets me start the car. If I manage to lose the mechanical key, a road service guy can get into the car using his magic tools. Or failing that, a locksmith could certainly get in. Without a keyfob, the car would have to be towed to a dealer. The expensive full function keyfob gets left at home when I go running.
The programming instructions to try are in Please report your results in that thread. There are so many false leads that it would be nice to know which procedures actually work with which cars/keyfobs. The search tread titles function turns up 37 threads with the word "programming" in the title. Should be several days of light reading there if you're really hard core.:fencing: If not, just try the above thread.
You might want to call Chantilly Lexus and Toyota Repair center. They are an indepent hybrid certified repair shop. 703-814-7777 I have found them to be very helpful.