My first car was a 1965 Morris Mini Traveler. Fire engine red with a white roof (looked like this, but without the Union Jack on the top) I *loved* that car. It was agile, zippy, and got great gas mileage. I drove it all over the country (New Zealand)
My first car was a Daihatsu Charade 1984 like this one: I bought it in 1985 for DKK 68000 and owned it until it was demolished by the army in 1990; the insurance company gave me 31000 for it. It was not the most reliable car I have owned. Repairs: Exhaust. Head gasket. Brake pipe. Radiator. Wipers. Not to mention: Rust Never Sleeps.
Hey Froley a few cars later I had a white & red 64 Fury with the pushbutton automatic transmission. That was a nice car too.
1994 Nissan Pathfinder. I gave it back to my parents when I moved to college in 05 and last I heard, they sold it (still running well) to some friends of their's...
1960 baby blue Rambler American. It has the best radio I ever heard. Would make the rear view mirror vibrate off axis with the base turned up. The front seats also went all the way back. If I slammed on the brakes it would trun sideways. Also if it rained out I stayed home. That old flat head in line 6 just wouldnt go in the rain
My first car was a 1987 Pontiac GrandAm. I paid $200 for it. It was white, but most of it was rust. I bought a can of black primer in a spray can and painted it black. When it rained water would leak in and the carpet would get wet, so I took a drill and drilled holes in the front floorboards so the water would drain out. One day it was raining pretty hard and I had to drive through a big puddle, and when I went through it water shot up through the holes I drilled in the floor. I drove the car for two years, changed the oil twice and replaced the muffler, then sold it for $250.
A 1968 VW Beetle, White, with a Semi-Auto Stick. Great car. Too bad it was rear ended, and died earlier then it should have. Here is one of two pictures I have.
Peugeot 104, year unknown. I relearned to drive in that car in a city stuck on a side of a mountain. I took driving lessons, and more often than not I would start the lesson by stalling the car at the stop sign 10 feet from my home the entire month I took lessons. That car taught me to use the clutch before starting the car in gear.
The first car I purchased was a 1957 Chevy BelAir Wagon (in 1966). 283 with 3 on the column. AM radio and no AC. I paid $75 for it and drove it for 2 years in college before I was hit by a milk truck. Insurance gave me $100 and I got $50 because I was able to drive it to the junk yard. Only vehicle I ever owned that was an "investment."
First car was a 1968 VW bug that I got for $750 in 1982. It was sky-blue in front and the back half was black from being burnt due to the cloth/rubber gas line. I promptly painted it flat black then spent every penny turning it into a "Cal style" bug. I sold it for 3,000 in 1988 after spending more than 8,000 modifying it (three tone paint, new dual carb 1835 engine, one piece windows, stereo, amps, subs, hydraulic clutch, lowered front end, new tranny...)
72 Ford LTD my parents gave me when I started my junior year at college. Never did get it properly licensed, and I sold it for $50 to a junkyard when I moved at the end of the year. The transmission wouldn't shift out of drive and I was so mad that $50 was all they would give me that I parked it very close to a tree and didn't tell them it wouldn't back up. They probably just towed it out of there, but you know, I was an angry young man
My first car was a 1966 VW beetle. My parents lived in NYC, in Manhattan. I had never driven a stick before, so I took a lesson from the Auto Club. Next day, in NYC rush hour, I picked it up, drove home, did not stall and then spent 2 hours looking for a place to park. Great car, until I rolled in on I-95 in Maryland with 4 passengers. Still a great car - the windows popped out but nobody was hurt at all (we were too wedged in). I got a small scrape on my knee. So what did I buy next, after rolling? A Triumph Spitfire CONVERTIBLE.