It's happened! This BMW-driving snob is getting rid of her gas guzzling "ultimate driving machine" and getting a Prius! My husband is also giving his up and is getting a hybrid Highlander... We test drove a Highlander last weekend and then I was talked into checking out a Prius the dealership had (it was a basic standard edition). I fell in love with it right away! It handled amazingly, had a lot of pep and the design blew me away. Most importantly, the fact that during the test drive, the average mpg was 42 sold me completely. That said, we did some numbers and research, called around, and... my baby is arriving at the dealership on the 20th of this month - it's an '09, touring package #6, black with beige leather. The Highlander will be there shortly after the Prius. Meanshile, I can't eat, sleep, or think of anything, but my new Prius. :typing:
Congratulations and welcome to Priuschat! The exciting thing about your new Prius is that it is even better than you think. Keep reading the forums and use the search function and you will constantly be rewarded with new things.
Welcome to Prius Chat! There is a lot of good info in this forum, so browse around! and I hope you realize how lucky you are, a one month wait, wow. I waited 12 weeks for mine! This is fun and informative as well (the bit for the display is informative; the stuff outside the windshield is pure hilarity!) Oh, and take a look at this as well (odn't bother with an of this stuff)