My bluetooth mysteriously quit working about a week ago. let me clarify a bit, the car connects to my phone (screen even says Bluetooth connection successful), you can use the controls to place calls, however none of the audio is coming from the car. When a call is received the "car" does not ring or answer. I disconnected the pairing last night and reconnected but I am still experiencing the same problem. Any ideas?
My fiancee has a similar issue in her 2007 from time to time that I looked at today. The Bluetooth will be connected but when she receives a call the Bluetooth rings, she connects through the steering wheel but almost instantly the Bluetooth drops out. You (the caller) will still be connected to her phone sitting in the cup holder but the radio comes back on and the caller hears it and everything else. I drove her car today and my Bluetooth connected when I switched from her phone to mine but as I was talking to her it just dropped out. She could still her me because my phone was in the cup holder but I couldn't hear her through the Bluetooth. When she called back I had to answer my phone because the Bluetooth said "No Connection". Soooo, when I got home I looked at it and found when I switched from phone to phone (there are 3 paired) the Passkey was not displayed for any of them. I checked the Bluetooth settings and the Passkey we set originally was still there but it was not being shown on the switch. Since I believe the Passkey must be there in order for the Prius and phone to operate as a "trusted pair" and automatically connect I retyped the exact same Passkey into the Bluetooth Settings and then switched from phone to phone to phone. The Passkey was displayed on the switching of phones now and seems to be connecting ok. Note: Before I reset the Passkey I could turn On/Off my Bluetooth on my phone and it wouldn't pair. I could only pair by cycling power on the Prius or switching phones on the Prius. Made me think it was a "one time" connection instead of always looking for trusted pairs. After resetting the Passkey on the Prius turning the Bluetooth On/Off on my phone it connected everytime, I tried it a few times. Anyway, that is a long answer but give that a shot and see if it helps. My theory is the the phone not the Prius wigs out (Sprint sucks!!!) but without the Prius having the Passkey stored correctly they don't "pair" right when it comes back almost instantly. Hope this helps. Chris
Thanks! Mine mysteriously started working again yesterday. If I have problems with it in the future I'll keep that passkey in mind.
Good luck, hers is intermittent too or at least was I hope until I found that Passkey not beign displayed. One thing you might want to do is register another Bluetooth phone even if you are never going to use it in the car. That way you can switch back and forth between them and like I said previously the Passkey should be displayed. Happy driving