I was wondering what would be considered essential to buy for a new prius. I have about 100 dollars to spend and was looking for something along the lines of performance, but if there are any good suggestions appearance. (I already have mats, and i don't want a bra for my car) thanks:fish:
dpjhill, I take it that the "performance" you're seeking is MPGs, and not MPHs. Use the search tool with the terms ScanGauge and Scan Gauge to read up on the only mod that will pay for itself in fuel savings. It is an investment -- not an expense -- with guaranteed daily pay backs. It offers many other benefits as well. You can get one at the PriusChat Store... you'll be forever glad that you did.
I would have to say the black bumper protector. Taking stuff in and out of the hatch can be damaging to the bumper. It would only set you back about $40 thru Prius shop. My dealer didn't have it in the computer to even do a price comparison. That leaves you with $60 for other suggestons. Have fun.
Another vote for a scangauge, or at the very least a simple tach and maybe an engine-run light just so you can see what's going on. . _H*
I'd say go for the sharkfin antennae. It sets my Prius apart from the hundreds of other Prius around the Los Angeles area and as an added bonus makes it easier to spot your Prius in a parking lot full of Prius
i already have the ipod plugged into the aux and working fine. Also i have the antenna situation figured out (removed the actual antenna and just left the base...still get reception fine).
Find another $50 and get the Scan Gauge...it will be invaluable as you learn more and more about the car.
Here's a free one: Turn the rear-view mirror upside down so you can see better out the back... it works great and then spend $7. on foam pipe insulation to block the grill in the coming winter. This will up the performance in the cold months. Save the rest for a future purchase of the strut brace. Lee
LCD screen protector from Nushield. Only $12 or so, and you want that monitor blemish free for YEARS! Well worth it.
Where do you have your Scan Gauge attached in the car? I'm thinking about ordering one. Do you think it would fit in the sunglasses holder?
WINDOW TINTING! Looks good, feels greater. I know that this is usually more than $100, even just for the rear, but it would be the first thing I do to ANY car. I used to tint windows for a living, so naturally, I was excited to tint my prius. 20% rear, 35% fronts (9 windows total). While this would normally cost about $220-$300 at the local tint shop, it cost me less than $50 for some precut film from ebay. I might add that the film isn't the highest quality (non-metalized/ceramic), but it still looks and feels great. If anyone in the SO CAL area needs their prius done and wants to save some $, send me a pm. I tint windows on the side when I can on the weekends at my shop in San Diego.
Why black? The clear is way cool ... & on their blue car? It won't be an extra color added, if simply a CLEAR protecter is added. Personally? I'd go for the EBH. Nothing better than something that gets you down the road farther ... AND, it's under $100. Pays for itself in less than 25 weeks, if you're driving a moderate amount of miles or more.