On 7/30, I was pulling into a parking spot at work. Usual routine, not paying all that much attention. When my early morning mind said, "What is that?" There was a Prius logo on the next car...no Prius like I have ever seen. Had to double check that and yes, it clearly said Prius. Does anyone have an idea how many of those Generation 1 are on the roads? I have probably been passing them and not recognizing them for what they are. We Gen 2's are really smug. Donna:welcome:
I saw one of the older ones too yesterday. I wouldn't have even have known it was a Prius except for the logo. I saw one about a year ago too, but given how rare the originals are around here, it might have been the same one.
I've seen many of them - It was quite a bit smaller than the Gen 2,and the "Prius" badge was in more of an italic font, right? Yep, that was the brave little Gen 1.
I've seen many more of those since I recognised what they were. The rest of my family has seen 'Gilmore Girls' about a thousand times without knowing what Rory was driving.
Things get interesting when history is no longer apparent. No wonder have been 23,921 downloads of the first volume of my blogs so far this year. That documents Prius history from an owner's perspective from debut in the United States to the first 2 months of the next generation's availability. So obviously... I suggest you do some reading, along with some browsing through the photo album of that past. .
it seems like the 01-03 priuses are getting rarer, I remember a time i would see one every couple weeks or so, and now its just every 2 months or so.
there is 1 gen 1, 2 gen 2(INCLUDING MINE) and a tch in our lot. i havent bothered looking elsewhere on campus, casue i never go over there
In the seven months that we've had Amapola, we've seen four known to be different Gen I Prii in the NE area of Ballamer. There may be six, but the uniqueness of the last two isn't 100% certain. The day we saw our first one, we also saw the second. We were beside ourselves with wonder and excitement. Since then, we've seen one of them only every two or three weeks. Which may be for the good. I still get excited when we pick one out of the traffic. For us it is a special day. Those folks are the Early Adopters, better yet the Pioneers, the Visionaries, and we salute them with a flash of lights, a wave, a thumbs up, and a hearty "Good on you!" But for them, who knows if there would even be a US Prius! Maybe we'd still be waiting for the first Prii, the GEN IIIs, in 2010 and screaming like stuck pigs at the cosmic injustice of it all. :hurt:
I see them around Adelaide quite often. I am lucky enough to work for the Department for Transport and we have several Prius in the vehicle fleet. I had a ride in what you all refer to as the 2001 model Prius way back then. That was when I decided I should be driving one, just had to wait for my Camry to wear out. 6 years and 150,000 km later I have my Prius but the improved later model. I think the earlier Prius numbers are increasing here on the road as cars are imported second hand from Japan. Only the pre 2001 model can be bought in, as the second hand import laws state that if a manufacturer has released the vehicle in Australia it may not be imported to Australia used under the low volume personal imports laws.
I see at least on G1 every day--ours. After that, I usually see one or two others. There's plenty of them out there. It's more that they happen to blend in with other cars such as the Echo. Also consider that the G1 has been available in the U.S. back in those days when gas was well under $2/gallon and no body seemed to care about 50mpg. The G1 is not as unique looking as the G2, so you have to look a little harder.
I just saw one and I thought my mind was playing tricks on me when looked at the back of the car and it read PRIUS.... I had no idea....I am becoming prius smart day by day.
There are at least 3 Gen 1 in my subdivision (and about 10-12 G2 - stupid garages keep me from getting an accurate count). At least two of those G1s are original owners who still have them going.
When I had my '02 classic, I would often wave like mad to the newer Prius drivers on the road...they all looked at me like I was on drugs or something. now, I am one of those newer Prius owners... Mag Grey '08-traded my classic in..and I still wave like mad to other Prius drivers...and you know what...they still all look at me as if I were on drugs Don't think many of them are Prius chat people. Walt Q