I just found this really great Prius site/ad from The Guardian in Great Britain. Check it out at http://www.guardian.co.uk/prius/0,14161,11...1122182,00.html Jeff
J: Love The Guardian. Especially when it come to White House and Iraq coverage. We must all seem like a buncvh of putzes to the British commoners....nice to see the one artical usgersting that we're waking up about our petroleum habit. Thanks for the link. Frightfully cool. Bob
I thought it was odd that the Toyota ad (or, I should say, advert) claimed "65.7 miles to the gallon" and a lower 56.5 mpg in urban driving. Does the UK use the same 128-fluid-ounce gallons as does the US, or do they use larger Imperial gallons? If the Imperial gallon is 160 fluid ounces, then I'd expect 75 mpIg in urban driving. Of course, European tests need not yield the exact same results as US tests, but I'd still expect the highest efficiency in urban driving on both sides of the pond. Also, the animated demo ("how the hybrid engine works") was the same as in the U.S., showing the car driving on the right side of the road. You'd think they'd have a left-drive version of the animation for, like, Japan.
Odd! The UK gallon is 1.201 X US gallon but, of course, it's litres now anyway. Since highway driving is normally faster than US, I can't see how these figures can be right.