Well, it looks like our '05 and '07 are definitely a year older now that some of you have been receiving your '09s. Is there any way to tell the difference between the '08 and '09? Ted
I still do that with my '08! It looks like I missed the boat with the '09's by less than a month. Not that I really care. A new car is a new car is a new car.
A close up look at the windshield VIN, although we might catch you too close to our newbies and can't be held responsible for our actions
Heck I still park my '05 out at the edge of the parking lot and wax it every other month. It's has 93K on it and still looks almost new.
Driving by the dealer on the way home I can spot the 09's very easily. They have 2009 written in big letters on the front window. Looks like 2 are currently in stock, I guess the wait time is getting much shorter.
You can't even tell a difference when comparing the 08 vs. 09 brochure. As someone said earlier -- maybe a bigger smile on the driver.