Hello, This is a quick heads up that there will soon be a new hybrid club for San Francisco hybrid owners. We're planning on having the meetings on certain Saturday mornings throughout the year. (At least once every other month.) The meeting place is still being determined, but it will likely be near Ceasar Chavez and 280. If you like to be a part of the planning group drop me a line at [email protected] Or feel free to add a post to this thread. More details soon!
I'm in San Mateo and am interested in different things that can be done to improve the Prius. I usually go to the City twice a week.
Were thinking about meeting on a Saturday morning on the southern end of the the city. The location will easilyaccessible from San Mateo. I've driven it myself.
I'm a producer working with a South Korean public TV network, KBS. We are doing a story on hybrid cars and I'm interested in talking to some people in this area. We are interviewing reps from GM, Toyota, VW, CARB, CFCP, UCD, Calcars, TESLA, some a few others. Now I'll be interviewing the owner of Luscious Garage as well. If there's any gathering planned, I'm interested in filming it as well. Any ideas would be appreciated. I am particularly seeking someone who has switched from gas guzzler like SUV to Prius and a family who owns multiple Prius. The time frame I'm looking to do this filming is between Sept. 25th to 27th. If interested, please contact me via my personal email or post your replies on this forum, if such way complies with the site rules. Thanks and I look forward to talking to you more.