What does Jesus has to do with a Prius??? Zealous are everywhere. Quoting Bush?????? Bush has lots of blood on his hands having killed many Americans in the Iraq war intended to take a revenge for his father!!!!!
Note that that is the personal signature of that poster and not related to the post. Many people have things of importance or significance to them in their signatures...feel free to ignore those. I believe you can also turn off signature viewing in your USER CP
I thought it was tongue-in-cheek - comparing something one of the founding fathers and a great president said, against what many say will be considered one of the worst presidents. The way that signature was set up, it was hard to tell where the signature started and the post ended. I rather fondly remember the old days when your signature had to be four lines or less of ASCII text. Here's mine from the mid-90's, just as example memorabilia for the whippersnappers on the board today: Code: _-+--_ <my name here> - /__|__|\___ <e-mail here> - /--\| |/--4\ Chicago, IL USA Earth - o 8 o L+|/\||__||/\||U ...juggling, genealogy - O \/ \/ & barefoot bog walking - cruising the information superhighway in a '65 bug
+10 for good reading comprehension abilities :cheer2: I did try to separate the signature better, by including the flying pig prayer animation. P.S. At least no one thought the 2011 photo was real.... -----