My wife really wants the Silver Pine but would put up with the SB. Last week she said she would refuse to drive the Barcelona Red, so I nicked that off the list and told the dealer. Dealer calls with newest allocation. We remind him that our two top colors are Silver Pine Mica and Spectra Blue Mica. He says he has a Spectra Blue Touring for us. I say great, let me know when it comes in. Wife now says it was the SB that she would refuse to drive and she hates the color Now what???????
I have a SPM Prius and I can tell you that your wife is out of her mind. Both colors are great, as is the Barcelona Red and all of the Prius colors. Perhaps you both should both bond with your new car together: car vacuuming, wash and wax. Take some pics of her playing with the monitor then go out for a long relaxing ride. Take a walk together in the forest preserves later or just make-out with her in your new Prius like you did in the old days. That's my advice. I would hate to give you any negative advice and I think if your relationship is'll have a great day.
I guess that means you'll get to drive it a lot more!! But has she seen the spectra blue in person? I have the spectra blue touring model and I love the color (I'm female). I had never seen the SB except in pictures until the day I picked mine up. And when I first saw it I was kind of ambivalent about the color. But I've had it for 3 months now and I really love it. Wouldn't want any other color.:first:
dump all the choices and go with the classic magnetic grey touring with the matching rims of course. i dislike the blue and SPM the most. red is a good choice though. seriously though, just let her pick the color. all of them are very pretty on a brand new prius. i could learn to like them all over time.
Just buy her the one she wants if you can afford it and need it. May wife wanted the silver, I wanted the Grey. Personally, the only time the wife refers to the Grey as mine (which it started out to be) is when the issuance bill comes or the oil needs to be changed. She takes all the complements as hers. The gas mileage is all her driving etc. Even though I showed her how to get 99.9mpg around town. But what do you expect, I'm male. Put the door moldings and mudflaps on and it looks better yet.
Keep in mind the Spectra Blue Mica has metallic flake in the paint. At least go check out the car before refusing. Check it out in bright sunlight, not a cloudy day. I went to the dealer with a mindset that I did not have to buy the car. If I had a good reason to rule it out, fine, I'd wait for the next one. Anyrate, in low light it is just a dark blue, but when the light catches the undertone, it has the most beautiful blue of color. I have no regrets with my choice. I probably wouldn't get Spectra blue living in desert heat, but the SF Bay Area is fairly mild tempwise. When I first saw mine in the shade, I thought 'it's alright, a dark blue'. Then I noticed the lighter blue in the doorsills. The sun shined on it and brought out the color, very nice. But, hey, I'm a dude and dark blue suits me well. I hope you don't decide against a color after seeing someone elses dirty or faded car. Careful of that one. Good luck.
sorka, My wife doesn't like SB either. Too dark, shows dust, dirt and grim, absorbs a lot of heat in the Summer, and shows the white primer thru the chip locations. So I ordered a Barcelona Red Touring for her and a Driftwood Pearl one for me. Both are great colors. Recommend you let her drive it at the dealer when it comes in and maybe she will change her mind.
My wife didn't think she would like the SBM color, so the dealer told us that If we didn't like it when it came in he could tear up the contract and we could wait for another color. Well, the car came in, I loved it but the wife said it wouldn't be her top choice. 5000 miles later she is happy with the color, and likes that it is a little rare around here. You know your wife best, so let us know what happens!
I would suggest taking her to look at the car before you turn it down, but if she does not want it, turn it down and wait for the color that will make you BOTH happy. Unless that car is just for you, much like my father's truck is his. My mother never drives it, so when he got it, he looked for what he wanted and nothing more.
How could you *possibly* confuse SB with BR ?!?!! :boink: I swear, men must have their ears stuffed with wax, and cotton in-between. Only one thing to do, dude. :tape:
Re: I'll be frank... Agreed, been there, done that. If she shows any hint of preference for a color, pick that one. Being on the waiting list we didn't get the wife's first choice...:frusty: I've been married far too long to have made a newlywed's error...but I did. :doh:
Tell her if she doesn't want the 2008 Prius you're going to trade her in for a 1987 model year wife. Don't forget to let us know how that works out for ya.