If this has been posted before please delete it... Have you locked your keys in the car? Does your car have remote key-less entry? This may come in handy someday. Good reason to own a cell phone: If you lock your keys In the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on their cell phone from your cell phone. Hold your cell phone about a foot From your car door and have the person at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone on their end. Your car will unlock. Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you. Distance is no object. You could be hundreds of miles away, and if you can reach someone who has the other 'remote' for your car, you can unlock the doors (or the trunk). Editor's Note: It works fine! We tried it out and it unlocked our car over a cell phone!'
NO WAY!!!! :jaw::jaw:I will have to try this out tomorow. If it works I will be stunned. How on earth did you ever figure this out? Regards~ Synergy
NO WAY BUSTED. At least using Verizon. Just how is the RF Data Burst from the FOB supposed to be introduced into the modulation scheme of your cell phone, and at the receive point how is it supposed to down convert from the Cell Freqs to the SKS receive freq??? I just tried this and the one fact that I CAN verify is my FOB will open the door from a distance of about 40 feet away. In fact I had to be in the middle of the back yard, the car is parked in front to find a spot that did not trip the entry system. So if you plan to try this MYTH make sure you are at least 50 feet of better away from your car. I had my wife place her phone 6" away from the handle, next to the handle , above the handle, I hit unlock from 50 ft away and ..... TADA ....NOTHING..NADA, MYTH BUSTED!!! I am betting when you tried this you were too close to the car for a valid test... Its just not RF feasible, but I tried. The only thing that I can say works for sure is you can unlock your car from 40 feet away through a house, probably further with unobstructed line of sight transmission!!! 73 de Pat KK6PD
Rubbish. Complete and utter nonsense. The staying power of these urban legends amazes me. Some of them just never die. I won't even go into all of the reasons this story is just plain silly. It's not worth the effort. Tom
davidtm, Close, but not exactly. If anything, the Snopes piece puts the lie to the whole thing. Something is being tested here, either our credulity, or our collective sense of humor. I for one want to go on record as reacting thusly:
It worked for me, I have AT&T and my son held the other phone( it was cell phone to cell phone) close to the car and I was in the back bedroom and I unlocked car then locked it back...
try it again, with your cell phone OFF. i betcha it works anyway... then try it with the cell phones 1 mile apart, not the length of the house
I hear there is some device (magnet) that goes on your fuel rail that increases MPG but you must use it with some kind of MOA to see results Tufoil Engine Oil Treatment
I believe that the reason that some phones claim to work is that they have to be digital and on a digital network. Older style analog cell phones won't work.
HowStuffWorks "How Remote Entry Works" That link agrees w/ the above post. TURN you PHONE off & from the back of the house it'll still work. Very simple. R.F. doesn't travel thru phones
This is just one more piece of Internet garbage that has been passed around for years. Why do people keep posting this stuff?
Seems plausible to me. Electronic devices create all sorts of electronic noise that is not intended. And they're sensitive to noise that isn't intended to be functional. Usually the noise just blocks the device from functioning, such as when the keyfob doesn't work. The specific model of cellphone is important, as is the type of cell service. To check it out, you'd have to use the same model cellphone with the same type of cell signal as the person claiming that it works. Sandman: could you check out a Prius keyfob from a different car? Does the connection recognize the proper keyfob, or does just anyone work?
Nonsense. The fob unlocked and locked the car directly. The cell phones were not part of the equation. Tom