Houston we have a problem Package #2, bought it in May, no DICE. Wife got in the car today and TA-DA....MFD shutdown. I've searched the forums and I haven't seen this problem in other than '04s. Is taking the car to the dealer my best option or is there a DIY fix?
Hi js..., Not sure what you mean, and may put my foot in my mouth. The hatch takes a good thump to close all the way when the car is new. If its left partially delatched, the interior lights may be on and drain the battery. The other common newby problem is forgetting to push the brake , and for women pushing the brake hard enough, whent he power button is pushed. Which Prius is having the problem, the 2008 or 2004 ? The 2004's have a notorious MFD problem. If your electronically handy its fixable. Otherwise, the cost is a new MFD. Hobbit may be providing a rebuilding service, or know somebody who is.
I was being dramatic . It was a MFD malfunction. When the climate button is pushed it says Check Conneection of A/C. It won't display the radio channels, but it can be controled from the steering wheel, on the energy display the arrows and bars on the battery icon are gone.
That's the current plan. I was hoping to avoid the hassle of taking it there with a Do It Yourself fix.
"check AC connection" on an *'08*?? That's interesting. Maybe the same, or a similar, problem could occur on the new units if they get slammed around enough ... or maybe it's something totally different. . I suppose I'd offer a rebuilding service if anyone actually sent me any failed units, but that hasn't happened, so I have to just assume they're fixing the old ones themselves, buying refurbs from Steve or someplace else, or just taking it up the yinyang from dealers. I'll just stay in "mushroom" status until someone tells me otherwise... . _H*
When my 08 was about 2 weeks old, back in June, my MFD failed. (the consumption screen did not show the historical 5 minute "bar graphs" Just showed current MPG and average. brought it back, and was replaced free under warranty. I think it is just "one of those things" I bad start on my owner experience, but it has been fine since
back when we offered the refurb exchange for non-jacked-up prices, we got lots of inquiries but never a follow-through. i think people don't want to drive around with a hole in their dash for however long it takes for the shipping. though i hoped that they at least used the real cost to negotiate prices down some.