Hey guys I just picked up my 2009 Prius from the dealership a couple hours ago, Its my first Prius and im loving it. I got a Black Package #5 with leather, I wanted a Package 6 but 5 is what came in. I also got the IPod interface kit added. Ill post some pictures tomorrow, since its dark out right now. Ill post the pics from this morning that my sales guy at the dealership sent me. Anyone have any questions about the 2009? If you have any tips for a new prius owner, let me know.
Congrats!!!! That black looks so sleek! Please post some pictures whenever you get a chance. I would recomend look at John's website http://john1701a.com/ . Its a great resource, with all types of pictures and documents explaining the prius and how it works! Enjoy your Prius! Regards
I would be curious to know what the wait time was and where in relation to MSRP you came in if you feel comfortable sharing. Thanks and enjoy your wonderful car. My '05 has 92K on it and I will keep it until the 3rd gen has been available for at least 6 months before I buy one. Love my quirky little Prius.
I'm happy for you!!!!!!!!! My wife and I ordered ours 6-9-08 and the sales person told us 4-6 months. We ordered ours in Lansing, MI. When did you order yours and where are you located??? Just to give us an idea and maybe hope to get ours sooner than later!!!!!!!!!!!! And did they jack the price any from what you were told when you ordered yours???
I officially went on the waiting list on 7/20/08. I paid the MSRP, with nothing extra added besides my floor mats, and Ipod connector. The dealer called me literally as soon as it came in on the carrier. The dealer was Lighthouse Toyota here in St. Augustine, FL my salesman was Derek Archer. Overall it was a great experience, and my salesman was awesome. It seemed to be the only dealership in town that did not want above sticker price. They don't add any of that bs toyoguard or anything else like that, we got exactley what we asked for.
Congrats. I just spoke to your dealer and he is a very nice salesman. They certainly sell at MSRP BUT...they add an additional dealers fee of $749.00 + tax. That will buy most folks almost a years supply of fuel. There are several dealers that DO NOT charge a dealer fee. His waiting list is about 3 months at this time although many people are 'falling off' the list due to the economy and falling gas prices.
Most dealers don't charge bogus fees, but some do and they give all the other dealers a bad name. Most dealers that have a long waiting list sell at or below MSRP. I was offered a classic silver touring last weekend in Fresno for $1000 below MSRP with no extra fees. We really wanted it but it wasn't the color we wanted. It was also the last day of the month so I suspect they normally wouldn't have offered it. We weren't even trying to deal them or anything, we just wanted to know when they get their next allocation if they get the touring in the color we want.
We have another thread on this but. How does the iPod interface work. Do you see playlists? Can you post so pics of it in action? Thanks in advance.
Honestly, the interface kit is pretty awful... no playlists names, no track names, no artist or album info. Here is a pic of the screen "CD changer 2" the disc numbers seem to represent different playlists, 1-9 always seem to be lit up regardless of if there are even playlists on the iPod or not. It works the same on both my nano and my iPhone. The sound quality is very good, but I was expecting more.
Ok so it turns out after doing a little research when the car came into port they installed the wrong kit... So, everyone ignore everything I have said about the iPod interface kit thus far... The unit I have installed is Part # 00016-00111 this SHOULD be part # PT545-00082. These should work completely different, the one I have installed is junk and runs through the CD changer, the other runs through the satelite radio... it may or may not do all the things its supposed to do like track info and such. Im going to email and call my sales guy and have them swapped. some quick info links: 00016-00111 PT545-00082 as for the differences between the 2008 and 2009, I havent noticed anything but then again the only experience I have with the 2008 is a test drive. I have no idea why the top of this post is in bold... sorry bout that. Ill keep you guys posted on what I find out about the other kit.
The one you were supposed to have installed is identical to the one on the xD which does show all the track info. I believe it also works through the satellite interface as well.