Hi! Bought my 2008 Prius after a 10 week wait in late July. First car I ever bought for myself! Negotiations were a nightmare - I love this car but I feel after this one I will never buy a sought-after car again! I drive about 150 miles a day for work, so fuel economy was obviously a big draw. But I love this car anyway. I don't have pictures, but she's super white and i've named her Elle Fantasma (ghost girl). Funny things i've done so far: assumed the gas gauge was linear and ran out of gas AND drained the battery going uphill over a bridge with one lane closed for construction - the dealer tags still on - i looked like an idiot. (yeah, i've searched and read the gas gauge posts! ) used the backup camera to back into a green trash can cleverly concealed by the trees behind it in the camera but SO obvious when looking in the rearview. averaging 45 to 50 mpg at an average speed of 60 mph. looking forward to learning as much as i can on here. please be nice if you are going to say i've noticed some people on here are quite mean. heather
You think some people here are mean? Compared to some of the forums I've been on, this place is a regular love fest! Congrats on your Prius, by the way.
Hi Heather, Congratulations on your Prius...Thanks for sharing your experiences. Im trying to glean everything possible while waiting...and waiting. Have fun ~ Erin
A big HELLO and Welcome to PC !!! You'll find most folks helpful and a wealth of info here. You are correct the gas gauge is not linear. Just think of the pips as 1 gallon each and make it a habit to fill-up when two pips are left. Air your tires up for better mileage. Many here on PC recommend 42 front and 40 rear. I find that a little too hard on my kidneys and suspension componets. I prefer 40 front and 38 rear as a good compromise between good MPG and ride comfort. Has the reverse beep driven you crazy yet? If so, use the search feature here and learn the procedure for turning it off. Good luck and enjoy driving your new Prii !!!
Hello Heather and welcome! There is so much great information on the forum. Just surf around a bit, use search now and again. I started here when I placed my deposit, so I had a basic understanding when my car FINALLY arrived, just last Thursday. I love your sense of humor, and the "funny things I've done so far" would be a great thread for all of us! Enjoy Elle Fantasma, great name!
Welcome!!!:welcome: Since you have run out of gas once, I'm sure you will be careful in the future. I never fill up unless the last pip is blinking and every time I wish I had waited, but that's just me. There's a lot of discussion on that topic.
Re: Newbie introducing herself...confession time Hi again. So, I don't know if this should be in another thread. I guess i'll judge that based on the response i get. Like I said, this is the first car i ever bought and negotiations were a nightmare. Long story short, the dealer put 17X7 Enkei rs-5 wheels and Nitto Neogen 205/40 ZR 17 84w tires on the car ( i think, i had to figure it out for myself) and told me i either take the car with that setup or i walk away and wait. I'm sure I paid too much for them. My logic was that they would continue to put crap in and on the cars they put out and only increase the msrp if i waited. (They also put lojack in the car which imo is redundant on a prius). Anyway, I now have these tires that i know nothing about, so I came on here to learn how they will effect my car. I tried very hard to use the search function and read the posts, but many were above my head. I have the opportunity to go to a "new car orientation" next week and i want to be prepared with the right questions. Questions i have so far: 1. Is this setup the same diameter as the OEM wheels/tires? 2. Is this setup effecting my brakes adversely? 3. Is this setup effecting my speedometer, odometer, etc? 4. Is this setup impacting my mpg? (i am currently averaging between 45 and 50 mpg on an average 100 mile day at about avg 60 mph) 5. Is this setup dangerous? 6. Can I box your f*%^ing ears, you jerk? So, i'd like to pose these questions to you guys first (all but #6, anyway) and get your take on it before i go into this class. They might not even be able to answer those questions, and i might not trust their answers, so your help is appreciated. And please have mercy on my soul if i have not searched properly or understood the big words. thanks in advance for your help. heather
Re: Newbie introducing herself...confession time If your tires are in fact 205/40/R17's and not 205/45/R17's then they have downsized your tires by over in inch in diameter. I'm sure the low-rider look is nice, but the smaller diameter tires will result in a higher than accurate speedometer reading, running up the miles on your odometer at a higher than driven mileage, and of course any readings on the MFD that is based on miles driven will also be incorrect affecting mileage driven scheduled maintenence and even shortening the mileage portion of your warranty. I wonder what corporate Toyota would think of a dealer forcing a non OEM modification on a buyer, that negitively affects the warranty? P.S. There are Prius owners are are running on tires that are not the OEM diameter, but it should be a matter of choice not forced on someone. While you had the option to walk away, I really think you have right to assume that any dealer installed option would comply with Toyota specs. These don't and I think you might have a case to have the dealer replace your 205/40/R17's with the OEM equivivent 205/45/R17's. Some may say it's only a ~4% error, but I just read a post where someone had the $3000.00 Traction Battery die @ 102,000 miles. There is a case that the ~4% error, or ~4000 miles would have made a difference.
Re: Newbie introducing herself...confession time 1. what's mfd 2. how could i plead my case? What legal recourse would i have?
Re: Newbie introducing herself...confession time I'm sorry, Multi Function Display, the screen in the muddle of the dash. It caught me too as a newbie. I not sure, but I would think that it could be approached as a matter of the Toyota warranty. If you have any lawyer friends or perhaps someone here on PC could help with the approach. I don't know the dealer. I might try with the dealer sales manager first, giving him the out that the 205/40/R17's must have been a mistake and that without the correct equivilent OEM size 205/45/17's, your mileage calabrations will be off, affecting the items I mentions above, especially the warranty issue. That while you did not want the tires to start with, you wanted the car. But were given no reason to believe that they were not the correct equivilent diameter for the Prius and just want the correct size tires for your new car. Hopefully the dealer will have the wisdom to swap out the tires. I would not mention going to Toyota Corp. and or Better Business Bureau unless he/she balks, then re-emphasizing the warranty and erroneous gauge readings. You would expect after paying tens of thousands of dollars for you new car from a dealer these things should be correct. It was not sold as otherwise and the dealer did not reveal that the tires were not the correct size. I am not a lawyer, perhaps other members can give better advice. Just be confident and firm. Good luck and let us know how you make out.
Heather; I thought that I'd do a little more research. I can not find the tire size specs for the 17" Enkei wheels sold by Totota dealers. I just wanted to find it in print. Hopefully another member can help. The is one posibility although I doubt it. They may actually mechanically or software wise modify or adjust the mechanism that records distance. Usually a sensor that monitors rpm of one of the wheels and converts it to distance driven. There is usually a way to adjust for different diameter tires. This may have been done for the 205/40/R17 tires. You need to check this out before going to the dealer. Here's what I based my other post on. The 205/40/R17 size just did not look right, so I looked up the sizes. Prius Standard 185/65/R15 Tire diameter 24.4" Prius Touring 195/55/R16 Tire diameter 24.5" 205/45/R17 Tire diameter 24.2" 205/40/R17 Tire diameter 23.5" ~1" smaller ~4% less circumference It is not an equivilent diameter to the standard size OEM tires and therefore requires a modification for any of the readings, associated with miles driven as mentioned before, to be accurate. If not modified, these readings will be off by ~4% higher readings than actual.
So, i went into the dealer today and talked to the aftermarket sales manager. I explained exactly what happened - that i was sold tires and wheels i didn't really want with no explanation as to what they were but with the promise that someone would get the information to me... he apologized up and down, confirmed that the setup i had now was in fact 1" shorter and placed an order in the shop to switch out the tires at no cost. i now have 215/45/17 nitto wheels. admittedly, they don't look quite as cool, but i am so happy! genuine thanks, dave for your help. :yo: not only am i a newbie prius owner, i'm a newbie car owner - and, apparently, i need a lot of help! i'm grateful to have PC and people like you to learn from! heather
Thank you for the reply! You have made my day, no wait, my week. I am so glad that I was able to be of assistance. Good luck with the Prius.
As for negotiating with your dealer being a nightmare...I'm surprised there was any negotiation with the demand for Prii being so high. When I bought mine in 2005 from my Toyota dealer I had bought four cars from previously, it was sticker price....and that's that. I am still elated with my purchase. I am amazed at how many people have no idea what kind of gas mileage you get and what kind of car a Prius actually is. I get questions about where's the plug? You don't mean you actually get 52-55 mpg? Does it seat 4 people? Is there a trunk? How often do you change the batteries? Stuff like that. Amazing! Congrats on your Prius purchase. Hey, it's a Toyota. It will run foreverQ
oh, you're totally right. But you know how it is when you buy your first car...you go on every website and get the invoice price, compare all these stats...blah blah blah.... and for me that was the beginning... day 1: went in to order a prius, walked out when they wouldn't give it to me for invoice. Why should I pay more than invoice just because a car is popular? day 2: I cave. Place the order and put down my deposit. I am told I am "on a list." I am not told where I am on that list, but that I will be waiting about 6 to 12 weeks. day 3: nine weeks later I get a call that they think they will pretty much NEVER be able to get me a car. They tell me they will refund me my money (which voids the contract) and that I don't have a choice. They do agree to "keep me in mind" when something comes in. day 4: Two weeks later, I get a call on the way to Virginia on vacation (i'm from veep candidate biden's home state!) from my salesman saying a Prius just magically showed up on the showroom floor and it was first come, first serve. I actually debated turning around and driving back home to get it but decided i shouldn't let the debacle ruin my vacation. day 5: two weeks after that (about week 11) i get a similar call but this time I happen to be literally right around the corner from the dealership just by chance. I went into the dealership where I was told I had better hurry up if i wanted this car because every salesman on the showroom floor was calling and people would start showing up. They had put the aforementioned wheels/tires and LOJACK in the car already and told me i must take them or walk away. Of course, the msrp went up and my old contract (which had only expired about 3 weeks earlier) would not be honored. I bought the car under those circumstances because I thought that 1. every car they brought in after this would probably have extra crap put on it 2. the msrp would probably keep going up and 3. I might never be in the area for the next call like this again. (I work in homecare and travel up to 150 miles a day through 2 counties). But i felt so hoodwinked by the whole situation. I never would have put up with this if I thought I had a choice. I am wondering if anyone has had a similar experience. It seems like everyone on here, even recent purchasers, were able to order and wait (if even for a long time) to get the car they actually wanted under the terms they originally agreed to. I couldn't understand how the dealership (stealership, excuse me) couldn't have a list? It seems easily done to me. So anyway, all that to explain why i thought negotiations were awful. I was so embarassed at how it all went down that i didn't even want to tell you all at first, but maybe it will serve as some kind of cautionary tale for others. At least I really like the car! heather
Thank you for sharing what must have been a difficult experience. I am sure your new Prius will bring you much happiness. Be sure to check out the threads giving tips for new owners. The Prius has some things you need to make sure that you are aware of, that are unique for non-hybribs or even other hybrids. These are not difficult. They are just things you need to know that the dealer probably didn't tell you or is that clear in the owner's manual. Like walking on water, it's easy if you know where the rocks are.
Heather, My 08 Prius tire size is P185/65 R15. If yours are 17 inch, that means the center of gravity is up two inches. With the comparative "boat-like" handling of my Prius, I would guess that quality would be magnified unless the dealer also modified the suspension. The brakes work better than almost any car I've owned, so unless they put extreme long wearing tires (very hard rubber), your brakes should be ok. It is hard to imagine a new car dealer screwing up your speedometer. It isn't rocket science to do a tire size change (older cars required a new size gear on the end of the speedo cable that goes into the transmission). Get a local cop to check your speedo with his/her radar if you have doubts. Can't help you with mpg, since there are more variables than just tire diameter - this car has so many feedback systems and new driveline technology... How does the handling feel to you compared to other cars you've driven. If it compares favorably, I would worry too much. If it feels out of control at moderate speed on corners, I'd look into the situation further. In my experience, the manufacturers spend a great deal of effort in designing cars and most modifications, aimed at us guys with too much testosterone are unnecessary wasteful. Good luck. Dave_M P.S. Being an older fellow, I'm not conversant with these forums. How does one post a new question? (anybody...?)