Ok, so I've had my Prius just under 2 months, and I seem to have misplaced the manual ....I was initially just thrilled to have received the car when I did, but now I am really starting to pay attention to my driving habits. Please PLEASE humour me and kindly explain the meanings of the colors of: -the blue, orange, green & yellow arrows -blue vs. green battery diagrams I welcome any explanations of the energy monitor screen !! p.s. Is there any way to make the audio screen the "default" vs. the energy screen?? Thanks in advance for the kind replies !!
I've had Carmine a week, getting used to all of it. Studying the manual. The arrows tell you which way energy is flowing. From the Gas Engine to the tires (gas is powering the car), from the tires to the Electric Motor to power the Battery (regenertive energy, from braking etc.) , from the Battery to the Electric Motor, etc. I haven't figured out the Blue and Green Battery lines yet either!
First, find your manual and study it. Then put it in your glovebox. Second, explore this site. http://john1701a.com/prius/images/homepage/prius-presentations02.jpg Third, yes about the audio display, it's on the MFD set-up screen. But doing that will take away all the fun of understanding the Prius and striving for good mpg.
I think one needs to have seen a picture of Hobbit's dash in order to really appreciate that comment ;-) Rob
Try this one: John's Stuff - Toyota Prius, How It Works John has lot more good stuff on his site: John's Stuff - Toyota Prius and more As does Hobbit: Hobbit's techie-rants After you have a better idea how the Prius works, and what the screen means, you might want to read up here to see how you can use that information to improve your mileage. http://priuschat.com/forums/fuel-economy/14701-new-owner-want-mpg-help-read-first.html Good luck, and welcome! Rob
The info off those links is a big ... it has been updated for 3rd gen, too. However, I missed something and perhaps you can point me on the right direction. I understand the energy flows as presented in the updated Prius-User-Guide (2010-2012) at John's Stuff - Toyota Prius and more The energy monitor in my 2011 is also showing at times ICE to Wheels only. I didn't see that flow in the document.
Interesting how on a standard gasoline auto, one bases his driving on simply the speedometer guage....
If you have a 2010 Prius or later, the display that matters most is the Hybrid System Indicator. This display looks like a sideways thermometer, and it lets you control and know when the battery and engine are used. When braking, it lets you tell when you're braking is regenerative or friction. It takes time to understand it.