We require a minimum of 10 cars per class and th classes are based on past attendence, I think the most we've seen is 3 Priuses or so 2 years ago, but if we got 10 to pre reg before the event this year we'll add it. Dyno Pulls 3 for $65 Prizes: 2x $100, 1x$50 and 1x$25 gift certificates for parts and/or services at Titus Will Toyota and a bunch of Griot's Products Thanks to a HUGE donation from an anonymous donor, PSTOC is GIVING AWAY A CAR!!! That's right, you heard correctly! WE ARE GIVING AWAY A CAR!!!! At ToyotaFest IV, we will be selling raffle tickets for $1.00 each with no limit on how many you can buy! SOME ONE WILL DRIVE HOME A CAR!!!!! This is not a joke or hoax, this is a running driving honest to goodness car! All we will tell you about the car is the following: 1. It is a 4 door sedan 2. It is a stick shift 3. It IS A TOYOTA!!!!!! 4. The winner will be able to drive it away after the show with all nessescary documents! WE ARE GIVING AWAY A GREAT CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HUGE thank you to our donor and all who will make this very special part of ToyotaFest possible.