I've been driving my '05 Prius package 6 for 3 weeks. One thing that mystifies me is a unknown trapazoid shape plastic that serves no purpose. (It was in the uppper glove compartment along with the center arm-rest tray). The plastic cover piece has two side slits that appears to be mountable. The back has series of writings: 55414-47020 >PC/ABS< A1 LHD. Does anyone know where this piece of plastic goes?
Re: Mystery Part I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't know what this was. It's a removable shelf for the top glove compartment. Look again and you will see where it slides in. I'm guessing it lets you remove it for taller items.
I didn't get one of those. How weird! Now I feel like I'm missing something. KTPhil - where is the photo? I'd like to check it out.
Huh, I thought it was personal sun visor for those times when the visor on the ceiling doesn't fit the need... 8)
I had problems keeping it in place. As indicated in a previous thread, the fix is simple. Use some electrical tape to make for a tighter fit. I put it in the grooves on either side of the shelf and trimmed the extra. It has not come loose since.
My salesman told me at delivery that it was a change holder. Fortunately I have researched priuschat and could explain to him what it really was.... You should of heard the explanation for the B on the gear shifter.
It is a shelf for the top glove compartment. It has grooves in each end and slides into place over the little ridges on each side of the box. Then, your top box has an extra shelf.
OOOOoooohhhhhh It goes IN the glove compartment. Whenever I've needed more storage space, I've just asked my wife to hold it flat while I stack things on it.
Actually, it’s a built-in, portable sushi tray for the Hollywood crowd - Just in case they have to dash off to their next fabulous location before they are finished. Doggy bags are so last century. Toyota thinks of everything! :wink:
I don't have a photo, but if you didn't get one, go back to your dealer and have them rectify the situation. Mine fits fine, not tape modification needed. It is easy to imagine what it would look like, a piece of plastic about 3/8" thick that would fit flat across the middle of the upper glove box. Make sure the dealer didn't dump it in the tray under the cargo area floor or something. S/he may not have known what to do with it either.
Don't you think the dealer should have installed that little piece prior as part of the pre-delivery preparation of the car.
Tony: :lol: One of these days, your long-suffering wife is going to perform a roadside Bobbitectomy on you!
As for the "B" on the shifter, one salesman (not the one I bought from!) told me it was for "battery," meaning essentially an EV mode. Thanks to PC I knew he was clueless! Of course all I had to do was look at the MFD as I drove to see that.
Okay, I'm stupid! My tray came installed - I thought I was looking for another one loose in the car or glove box or something. While I'm confessing, when I opened the center console and saw all those cards, I thought they were just instructions on starting the car. I thought. "Why do I need so many? It's not like I'm gonna forget". Thought they were suppose to put just a couple in each car when they are new. So I gave most of them back to the dealer - some other idiot might need them. Then I actally read them later - with my glasses on - and then noticed that they were the valet instrucitons. Oh, well, it's not like I use valet parking very often. *shrug*