Hi I have a garmin gps and want to mount it on the far left side of the top glove compartment.problem is i dont know where the air bag is located on the passenger side and dont want to use the gps as a rocket.. need to know just where the darn thing is and get no help from the dealer
Two methods: Have someone shine a flashlight at a grazing angle to the dash surface. Look at it in very bright sunlight. The boundary is visible, but it's very subtle! It's about 4x9 inches (though I didn't use a ruler, so DO check yours out).
Nice catch by the way in knowing enough to not make a mistake that could easily have gotten someone killed.
thanks all will have to wait till the sun comes back out to get a better view. the dash dont give much of a choice in giving me a place to put my garmin gps.tried to place it in other places but hard to reach without getting distracted. i wll locate the air bag and keep it away from it. thanks again
Hi found it today while driving into the sun.I thank you people for the help I relocated the garmin gps about in the middle of the dash near the window.cant raise the antenna to the full upright position but it seems to work fine with it half way up. purchased my 2005 silver package 3 on jan 31 from a small dealer 130 miles away.He got it in the day before and had no one on a waiting list.I drove over and bought it the next day. I had found a couple more while searching the toyota site but he was the only dealer that was willing to give me my wifes toyota discount.she works at the georgetown ky plant in quality control. with 1000 miles on it ,thanks to reading about the tires online. i traded for the goodyear assurance.have 2400 miles on it now and just love the tires.took it out in the snow at 4 am the night before last to try the track control.drove up a hill and have it hell no problem ,grabbed on and took me up with no problem. thanks again all
That sounds like a good place. I wouldn't put anything near the glovebox. Even if you appear to clear the trapdoor, you're talking about a big ballon exploding and expanding out of there, much bigger than the size of the trap door.