Got my White BC Tonight

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Bill Compton, Mar 16, 2004.

  1. Bill Compton

    Bill Compton New Member

    Feb 19, 2004
    Burke, Virginia
    Gave the dealer a deposit on 12/10/04 - so wait was just a little over 3 months. This was in the time period promised. Excellant delivery information session given to me tonight. And this was with a fill-in sales person because the person who sold it to me is out with a heart attack.

    I'm not sure if it was because of the wait, I've had a number of new cars or I'm just been to busy at work but I'm not as excited as I thought I would be tonight. I know I have a lot of reading and playing to do to learn the fine points of all the systems. The nav system is great. Brought me right home this evening. The wife is not sure she is going to like the nav system if it keeps bringing me home.

    Interesting information from the sales person. 88 people on their waiting list and they are not even the largest dealer in northern Virginia. They sell about 300 cars a month. Telling customers who want to order today none available til Jan-Feb 2005. And if you want package 9 or 7 they have no idea when they will have any more available. So if that is the package you want maybe you might not want to get hung up on color to much. White was my 4th choice, but I do like it a lot with the grey interior.

    For those still on a waiting list I'd still try dealers in more rural areas. There is another dealer in southern Va. who promised me a BC car next month.

    I think I'm starting to get excited.

    Bill Compton
    Northern VA.
  2. Astroprius

    Astroprius New Member

    Feb 11, 2004
    Tucson, AZ
    Congratulations, Bill :clap:

    Out of curiousity, what interior color did you get? Mine is gray, which (as I was told by Dianne and others) accounted for my wait of 5 months.
  3. Bill Compton

    Bill Compton New Member

    Feb 19, 2004
    Burke, Virginia
    Sam -
    The color I got was grey. I was told it was an additional car allociated to them this month. I must have been the first person on their list to call or the 1st to accept it. I did not ask. I was happy with the grey color especially with a white car. At first I was going to refuse it, but after thinking about it felt it was better to accept one they had than wait for one they could not tell me when they would get it. Pkg #9 was the most important thing to me.