50.8 as a matter of fact according to the MFD! 50 was my next benchmark that I was shooting for since the weather has turned a bit warmer here in the foothills of NC - and with a routine 3 mile commute, I am real proud of breaking that 50mpg mark! Sure, I took some leisurely county jaunts, but over my 490 mile tank 'ol Whitey done purty good!:cheer2:
Hey ! Nice ! Were you on the blinking pip? If not ... I couldn't let that last 9 1/2 miles stand between me and a 500 range tank You'd have at least 20 miles more. But if it WAS blinking? best to not risk it.
Hey ! Nice ! Were you on the blinking pip? If not ... I couldn't let that last 9 1/2 miles stand between me and a 500 range tank You'd have at least 20 miles more. But if it WAS blinking? best to not risk it.
I was on my last pip, but not blinking - I've dealt w/ the out-of-gas thing, and I DON'T care temp the gas gods (or the guess gauage) again! - but thanks for the congrats!
I'm by no means a hypermiler - I just try to use sensible techniques. I hit another personal high on a tank with no real effort: 53.9. 17K miles and lovin' it
17,000 miles on a 2008 -- and a 3-mile commute? I have 18K on a 2007 and it takes a bit of driving to put those miles on -- where else do you drive? And how often? Where do you see better mileage -- 3-mile commute or the other driving?
When you reach the last bar on the fuel gauge there is approximately 4 gallons left. I drive 500 miles a week and have driven 575 miles on a tank. Replace the goodyears with michelins and (rating on the tires is 44lbs) inflate the tires to 40 pounds. You will get over 50 miles to the gallon all the time. Priuslovers.
Welcome to PriusChat, Priuslovers! Thanks for the first post. Can you tell us a bit more about your history with your Prius? Have you always been getting 50+ MPGs? Where do you drive? How often and how many miles? Freeway, city, country, leadfoot/easy, aggressive/conservative (driver, that is).
In our little family of three the Prius immediately became the family car, and the Voyager got parked. We use the Prius for all the weekend trips, plus I do a lot of business related miles. This summer we did a lot of interstate driving. I held it to about 60 mph, and got 55mpg. On the last couple tanks which is a mix between short trips, runs to town & the commute, I've averaged about 48, which is about what I've done over the life of the car
Seen this thread and thought I'd post. I got my Prius August 29th, 2008. One week ago.. I haven't gone throught the first tank of gas, but right now I've made it to 51.? MPG. I really wanted to get past the 50mpg. I drive 90 miles a day on two lane hilly highway. Try and keep below 60. I'll let you know what it is when I finally put gas in the car. Had to drive the truck today and what shock. The thing rides like a a a TRUCK. Wedge
I take day trips in the mountains much. It seems to me that you gain more on the downhills than you lose on the uphills. Wedge, post again. I'm anxious to hear about your first impressions. Congratulations on your new ride
OK, wedge40....I got mine just about the same time. I have about 800 miles, and am still at 44...granted, I let my husband drive it once & he knocked it down quite a bit, so I had to work at getting it back to where it was BEFORE he drove it. So, what am I doing wrong? A fellow Prius owner told me to gun it to get it up to speed, then take my foot off the gas & put it down gently. I do that, and it's creeping up slowly, but is there anything else I should be doing?
Approximately meaning anywhere between 0 and 4 The fuel remaining depends on a lot of things, due to the effect of the flexible bladder in the fuel tank. Particularly in very hot temps (like summer in PHX), people have run out within just a few miles of the last pip starting to blink. That would be more like 1 gallon or less from the time they hit the last pip. Search on here and you'll find a lot of discussion on the topic. Most people who have run out have been in the 20-40 mile after blinking pip range, which would be more like 1.5-2 gallons after hitting the last pip. You can't count on that though. Rob
Congrats on your accomplishments.. I am currently sitting at 63.8MPG and 670 miles I have to get gas tomorrow and I will take a pic and post it..I should beat my best tank of 62.8MPG and 705 miles, but I am Hypermiling like crazy doing every thing I can to get better mileage only thing kills me is the Interstate about 80% of my 174 mile commute is Interstate..
I Pulse and glide all I can to and from the Interstate and I do use the cruise most of the time while on the interstate. I go about 62-65MPH, but on any long down hill I turn the cruise off and glide and let it go as fast as it will go on the downside and then when speed slows back down to 62, I set cruise again and wait for next down hill.. Here is my best tank yet I filled up yesterday ...