What about this one: http://www.amazon.com/dp/product/B000CBXO6Y?tag=priuschatcom-20 It has a "hyper ground" for "increased horsepower and torque." LOL After I install it, I'll watch "Fast and Furious" again to get myself in the mood to take my Prius to the limits of its performance.
Sounds like a capacitor coupled with a regulator (of sorts) designed to keep your 12V battery output at 13.8 volts. A hyper voltage system. I don't know what that would do on a Prius, but then I can't really explain most electrical systems. Sigma Automotive has a longer write-up of the products. I haven't yet seen an independent review.
Well... beyond anything else... they sell it by its color. I'm gonna go with yes to your question. I wonder how and where they "proved" this savings. Those Toyota engineers must be beating themselves silly for not taking advantage of a simple $100 device to improve the mileage another 10%. Plus... it is BLUE! You'd probably get more performance enhancement from whistle tips. Woo WOOO! (You just *thought* you were staying out of this one, dog boy!)
If it were green and you also added a Plastic Jesus on the dash I bet you could get 15% better FE and 2x the power. Is it time yet for someone to post that they have a friend who uses it and it works and we don't understand it?
OK. Can I nominate this response for some kind of award? Darell: I haven't verified anything said on the Sigma website (don't know that I could if I tried), but there were references to studies done on several vehicles. It looks as though the device was developed in Japan by Sun. I'm still puzzled as to how the maintenance of a steady-state high voltage could have that significant of an effect on gas mileage. If it reduces drag from the alternator at high demand, that would be something, but not much. Of course, it probably would be doing this at the cost of your 12V battery's life expectancy.
Shucks, thanks. Whenever a high-tech device is sold like a fashion accessory, I worry. Yeah, no clue how it is supposed to work. :shrug: