Well it looks like we will be packing up and moving to the Denver area (currently in Chicago) I got a job offer I can't refuse. I will be renting the largest truck available and towing the Prius, wife will follow in the minivan. I plan on renting a flat bed trailer- not the one where just the front wheels are towed. Should I take any precautions when towing, I know the Prius clearance can be an issue- most likely will need to 2x6s to clear the ramp. Also- does anybody have any input on where to live in the Denver area (office is in Centennial) We will be renting for about a year before we buy. Thanks
I don't see why you'd need "2x6s to clear the ramp": you should be able to just drive right up onto the flatbed, otherwise what's the point? If this will be the first time you've driven such a big heavy rig, anticipate long accelerations and braking distances and stay well away from other traffic.
uhual will rent you the flatbed for like $39, we got a long one when i moved someone from elk grove to angles camp. they also got extra insurance that can pay up to 20,000.00 on the towed vehicle. have the uhaul person show you how to load the vehicle on the ramp. because of liability issues they cannot actually do it for you, all they can do is watch you. have the uhual person show you how to disengage the trailer from the truck, you might need to do this when you arrive at your desination. watch out for backing up, its a lot harder to back up towing a trailer, i almost jack knifed a couple times once you drive the prius up to the front of the trailer and turn it off, put the ebrake on, put the straps around the tires, tighthten the straps, and then attach the safety chains, its pretty safe. the prius axels were so small and hidden it was a little effort to attach the safety chains but i managed uhaul seems to have various sizes of towing rigs for rent, the one we got was a lot longer then needed, ive seen shorter ones. have you ever thought about just having a friend follow you in the prius and getting a ride back? this will save $40 + insurance. driving round trip in the truck will just cost more in gas and extra fee for round trip make sure the place gives you the entire 24 hour period to rent it, dont sign a contract saying the same day, or promise to retun it the same day carefully check to make sure that the actual truck is okay. make sure the air conditioning works before you drive off with it! if its an emergency, the truck will come with roadside assistance. for minor problems, uhaul says you can just contact them, have the contracted suspended and then drop it off at a ford dealer! i almost did this, because they rented me a truck in 90 degree weather with no air conditioning!!! if you have full coverage and your deductible is low, and you can afford to pay the deductible, its a good idea to politely refuse the extra insurance that the moving truck company will offer you, towing your car with a trailer is a little murky coverage wise, so its probably a good idea to get that insurance, why pay $25 or $40 a day extra for 5 days when if you got into a crash you would be out the same money, thats what i think, but the act of towing it yourself with a flat bed clouds the issue
Some ramps are too steep to clear the front spoiler on the Prius (I had some metal ramps that I recently got rid of because of this problem). By using 2x6s just in front of the metal ramps, you might gain enough clearance to miss dragging the spoiler on the trailer ramps.
I tow our Prius regularly behind the motorhome using a Demco Kar Kaddy dolly. The Prius fits very easily on the dolly, has no loading issues, and I see no reason to get a full length trailer. U haul dollys would be just fine but backing up is virtually impossible and only marginally better with a flatbed. Keep in mind that your stopping distance will be increased because of the towed vehicle and if the dolly or trailer is not equipped with surge or electric brakes (the latter requires a controller in the truck) you will need to watch your stopping distance very closely. Our dolly has surge brakes that work very well, but stopping a 24K lb motorhome is a challenge by itself without the 2,900 lb Prius and 400 lb dolly. As far as where to live in Denver it really depends on what you want. We lived in Evergreen for years but liked the mountains and I didn't mind the commute. If you want trees live closer to the base of the mountains (Jefferson County or western Denver County). If you want newer homes a little less expensive try Adams County out by the airport or eastern Denver or Douglas County. If you want land go east.