I recently bought cheapest model 04 and then saw ads with fog lites. I bought a pair of halogen lites from JC Whitney for 25 bucks and the grill ends for lites from Toyota for 35 bucks and only problem so far is where to tap into 12 volts safely under the hood, since battery is in back its a long way to run wire. Any suggestions,would sure like some suggestions.
I bought the grill ends too, for the same reason. Toy wanted 90 bucks each for their lights. I don't know where to get power either. How have you mounted the lights themselves (if you have)?
I couldnt find 3 in lites so settled on 2 1/2 in with a rim. theyare short and so I just drilled hole in nylon grill end and it looks like it just snaps in and out. I havent mouned in car yet as I only have left side, been waiting for 3 mo. for rt. side to get to dealer. When it comes Ill raise up front and maybe have to take plate of bottom to have enough room to work. Anyhow its fun to play with.
I completed the fog lite installation the same day Toyota got my rt.side grill. To connect up 12 volt source find rectangular box in upper right of engine compartment,remove top and find red terminal on left side second from top. I ran my switch wires out a hole near shock absorber spring and drilled a small hole in fenderwell that came out to left of brake pedal where carpeting stops,then up to dash bottom to mount switch. Avery simple and satisfing installation of fog lites for total of 60 dollars ,as opposed to 2000+ for toyota model. The mecnaic called the red terminal the battery charging/jump start connection as battery is buried in back. 8)
I hope you have a fuse in your light power lines. That red post is the start-jump terminal and I'd guess it has a 100 amp or so fuse, if any.