Saw this one in a Home Depot parking lot today, plates are from California. Not a bad color for an aftermarket color (I assume). Thought I would share with all of you.
That's really neat! One of my few beefs about the Prius is the limited color selection. I recently saw a bright yellow that had commercial writing all over it. IMO...I like the "quirkiness" of the Prius look and believe that a few more lively colors would only add to the car's appeal.
O.K. Don't laugh. We had a bright orange Ford Fiesta. Our main set of wheels died and we needed a replacement immediately. It was the only car we found that fit our needs and our budget at the time. Didn't lose that one in the parking lot either.
I had one of those bright orange Fords - an F-100. Bright orange with white stripes. Darn thing is still running around town.
Can't tell, even from the large version, but is that a "normal" style metallic finish, or one of those monstrosities with the Schwinn bicycle metal flake finishes?
Back in '92 I purchased my first new car--A Honda Del Sol in that exact same color of green. It had a spoiler and green racing stripes down the seats and floor mats. 2 weeks later I met my husband and a year later we were engaged. Had to sell the car then because I wanted to make sure we qualified for our first home loan. Sigh........seeing that green Prius brings back memories of accomplishment, new love, carelessness! Thanks for posting it. I loved that color and car! Couldn't go back to it at my age now though.....
Too bright and dark of a green for my taste....the factory Green is still better. Both of its wheel trim-rings look 'bent' (maybe all 4 of them), I hope the owner was not using a tire iron to take the trim rings out.