They certainly couldn't put the "Toyota Hybrid System" into a Lexus (let alone a Nissan, who has licensed the system), so it became HSD. Marketing 101.
Careful now Tony. Or you'll be sleeping on the couch for a month! Geez, you also had to read that schlop in college? Bleah, where the h*** was the Arsenic-laced Tylenol when I really needed it??
Robert: Geez, I completely forgot about the liberal Volvo drivers. Of course, that's *so* easy to do...
David: Me too. That's the whole point of Six Sigma and other quality programs. I used to have a 1992 Honda, and although they're fine cars as far as that goes, do they still have the oil filter on the back of the motor against the firewall? So you need ramps no matter what when you change the oil? Folks really like buying Toyota vehicles as they usually deliver on their intrinsic promise of quality, reliability, and value. To a lot of folks, that is one h*** of a lot more important than blistering tire-smoking performance.
To a lot of folks, that is one h*** of a lot more important than blistering tire-smoking performance This really has nothing to do with horsepower. Toyota can certainly produce as much horsepower as any other maker. It is about building cars with character. Memorable cars that are unique, fun to drive and really arouse passion among their owners. A Prius is a good example, but so are cars like the Miata, or the Mini, or my old '88 Civic Si, or my old '79 Civic, or my old '81 MB diesel wagon, or even my current '87 911. The old ones still look good after all these years, still bring a smile to my face. Go look at a fifteen year old Camry or Corolla and see if it inspires anything more than a yawn. Life is too short to drive a dull car, which is why we bought a Prius. Fifteen years from now I am sure that when I see a Prius I will think 'that was an amazing car for its time', and it will still look funky :? Regards, rickdm
Actually, didn't they licence THS II to Nissan? I k now licensing HSD would make sense as it'll drive down costs much quicker but would it also make sense to have your competitor use your older version?
No... Nissan has licensed HSD. Like I said, I seriously doubt anyone would put anything under the hood that says "Toyota Hybrid System" unless they're toyota. An interesting parallel to consider... a few years back (okay, a decade back) Lotus got into the business of providing tuned suspensions for different car companies. Quite a few cars used to sport "Handling by Lotus" badges or the like right from the factory because this was, after all, a factory option. When Lotus got some Toyota Celica engines to use as the powerplant in their latest car, they most certainly did not put "powered by Toyota" badges anywhere on the car... It's all about image.
Stumbling in very late.... Um.. Son... in my field... 'puter networking... lack of defects is synonmous with quality. It's what I want in my car too... I drive from point A to point B (as fast or as slow as I chose) and thecar makes me get there... I don't have to buy special fuel additives, I don't kill a goat or a dinosaur every week, I don't do special rituals adding lye to spent fry cooking oil and shake it for 2 hours... I just freaking drive this beast like every other automatic tranny beast I ever owned.. and it doubles their fuel efficiency... I go into Toyota and say " Um I had my 5K mile check up and now my car smells like exhaust" They say bring it in and we''l take car of it and they do... I go to ford and say "um... I just replaced my freeze plugs 'cause they rusted out and you have a service note indicating this might be a problem, so do a $200 fix to avoid the $2000 replace the freeze plug problem service note. Would you please do the the service note? and get a reply of... The note has expired and you can not qualify..." So they saved $200 buck... and I'll never buy a Ford/Mercury product again. Um.. Son... Honda's don't turn their engines off at stop lights. They get lower EPA ratings.. and yes... as a consumer I don't want flash, I don't want marketing... I want a freaking mode of transportation that gets me from A to B with no worries, whether the distance form A to B is 2 miles over surface streets or 1000 miles over mixed driving... If Ford, GM, Mercedes Benz, Mazda, Hundai, or whatever don't get that fact... Then I hope bean counters or consumers stomp their collective futures into dust.... That's why I went with a Prius. It's solid, reliable, comfortable means of getting from pt A to Pt B w/o sacrificing comfort, safety, reliability, enonomics, or speed. (for 4 passengers, including driver) But that's just me... <grin>
Actually, Honda hybrids _do_ turn their engines off when stopped in traffic. As soon as you release the brake, the engine starts again. A step in the right direction, albeit still a step behind the Prius.
I totally dislike distinguishing '04/'05 system with classic system by saying latter is HSD. They are all HSD. HSD= hybrid Synergy Drive. As in, the motors work hand in hand with ICE. Toyota calls the current model THSII. From New Car Features: "The ’04 Prius is powered by a new-generation Toyota Hybrid System called “THS-IIâ€, which has been developed under a “Hybrid Synergy Drive†concept to pursue better environmental performance and to realize “fun to drive†feeling. Under this concept, the THS-II has achieved significant advances in control systems, which aim for synergy between the power of the electric motor and the power of the engine. By greatly boosting the power supply voltage, this system has achieved a high level of balance between environmental performance and power." and "Improvement Items in THS-II: (1) A high-voltage power circuit has been adopted between the motor and the generator, in order to greatly reduce the energy loss during power transmission and deliver optimal energy in an efficient manner. (2) As a result of increasing the power output of the motor 1.5 times, the THS-II significantly increases the use of the electrical motor. Under conditions in which the efficiency level of the engine is low, this system stops the engine, allowing the vehicle to run using only the power provided by the electric motor. (3) The amount of energy regenerated during deceleration and braking has been significantly increased in order to increase energy efficiency."
as a consumer I don't want flash, I don't want marketing... I want a freaking mode of transportation that gets me from A to B with no worries If that is the sum total of your expectations, then Toyota is the right car company for you. Enjoy. rickdm