Just wondering if anyone has replaced or relabeled their start button. I was hoping if I were to ever get a Prius, i would relabel it "go baby go" a la gone in 60 seconds. 8)
The Start button is fine in my car though "go baby go" sounds good too. I don't car for the Park button. Mine has a CHEAP P sticker on it that is already starting to wear away. I'd very much like to find a more refined engraved button that actually says PARK.
David, Using my incredible powers I have magically installed a nice engraved "P" beneath the current wearing away sticker on your Park button....Poof!! Ok, the truth is that there is, already an engraved P under there, they just put a chinzy sticker over the top for unclear reasons. Go peal off the old one and look, really, it's OK. I think you'll be quite pleased. Here's the funny thing. I've had my car for 5 months now and still have my original cheapo "P" sticker on with minimal signs of wear...but then I almost never use it, maybe 1-2 times/week. I just hit the Power button when I shut off and it automatically engages park in one step.
Has anyone else noticed this? When I hit park and then hit power the car shuts off immediately. But when I hit power first I have to hold it in for a longer period of time before the car shuts off.
No, I just jab it. It takes a couple of seconds for all the little lights on the dash to turn off and such, but I don't wait around for that. I've never had to hold the button down.