Ever noticed, the centre console box is left aligned with regards to the centre console (I think it's aligned with the gap between the display/radio and the metallic vent cover). Also, there's a slight bulge on the right side of the transmission tunnel in the rear hence the rear left rubber mat will fit snugly, but the right one will be curved up
I noticed that the steering wheel is not aligned with the car. It is canted inboard relative to the centerline. You don't notice much since the dash board is "bulged" at the center, and the wheel kinda follows that line. In other words, if you looked straight down through the (non-existent) sunroof, you'd notice the steering wheel isn't parallel with the axle, but is turned in a bit. Bugs you once you notice it. Makes it hard for the dealer to align the steering wheel other than on the road (which explains why they screwed mine it up--they aligned it on the rack and never test-drove it).
Howdy, Both of my front doors are rubbing against the side of the dash, leaving clear wear marks. The dealer says that it's normal...
heh. I was sitting the back seat waiting for my parents, that's all. I remember people commenting on the Corolla's radio alignment WRT the centre console so I decided to check the Prius'
TCD, I can't say that I've noticed rubbing or visible wear marks. I would tend to believe that it is NOT "normal". Just doesn't make good design sense to manufacture parts that rub together and cause wear on otherwise finished pieces. Try another dealer for a second opinion.
I've got the door rubbing problem too. I've also noticed my upper glove box lid is starting to buldge relative to the center vent. Is anyone else's flush?
I think mine is okay. But the left grey/silver on my steering wheel has a gap much larger than the one on the right
After almost 18 months, I've worn through the metalic coating on the vent panel down to the dark inner plastic.
I have noticed the rub mark too (that's what happens when you wash your car practically daily, you notice little things . If anyone gets any brainstorms on how to fix or prevent this, please share. My car is 38 days old and I don't want have anything damaged on her if I can help it. Hmm, maybe if I just leave the windows open and dive into her like Batman & Robin... Take care, Tisza
rub marks for the doors.. well.. since the doors simply close and open.. get little rubber circle.. the little stickeys.. you coudl probably find them at a hardware store.. it will create a gap and protect both pieces.. mising paint.. or 1 or 2 little black rubber stockers. i believe they are usualy used as "feet" for items.. glass table tops and such. hardware stores... hmm.. office depot or something might have something... maybe...