Our cat, Gizmo, is so spoiled he refuses to drink out of his water bowl unless he sees you fill it with fresh water first. He would much rather drink directly from the faucet or go outside and drink gutter water. :roll: His favorite treat? TUNA WATER!!! If you are making a tuna sandwich, drain the water from the can into a bowl and add half as much more water. Fastest tongue in the West!!!! :tongue:
All of our cats are spoiled to.We have 7! Should say they are my wifes.1 likes ice cream and another likes bread. She spoils all of them,they are like more kids :lol:
Sushi(or Fatty as we like to call her) will eat anything. Her favorites include tuna(in water), ice cream & catnip. I always thought cats just rolled around in catnip, but no... Sushi eats it right up and then spends the following few hours scratching her face on the furniture. Spock, my perfect Siamese, is a finicky eater. Because of his delicate stomach, he can only eat Science Diet Sensitive Stomach formula. We change their water bowl daily and fill it with cold Brita water, which they sometimes fight over. Apparently that first sip is the best.
I highly suggest getting a fountain for your cat to drink out of. See, before cats evolved to be our masters, they lived out in the wild. And they learned that stagnant water is bad water (bacteria, etc.), where as running water is good water. A little tip, too - if you don't want to spend the $50 at Petsmart for their pet fountain - go to any home deco store and pick up those cheap $10-20 fountains with the stones and such - just don't put in the stones (cats tend to play with those and make a mess) and you're cat will love it. Is it considered spoiling that I carry my baby Hank (see userpic) up to bed everynight and he usually sleeps between my legs? -m.
We recently added a third cat to our family. Leo won't drink out of his bowl. He wants to drink out water out of the sink. Great idea on the fountain. I bet all three would like that.
"Her Royal Catness Princess RUFFruff" is not exactly "spoiled" - we are simply "her staff !" She adopted us from a "no-kill" shelter (Operation Kindness) in Dallas over 10 years ago and has presided over our shared home since. She, of course, has preferences and makes them very clear. Her drinking water can be found in a custard cup on my desk and a glass on the coffee table as well as beside her dining station. The hi-intensity reading light on my desk is her "heat lamp." Her preferred food is "Fancy Feast" - perhaps because she looks like the picture on the label and it, of course, is the most expensive. Spoiled? Not really, she just knows she is in charge.
Hmm? Running water? Maybe thats why our cats like to drink out of the sink/tub when the water is left to trickle out of the faucet. Never knew that. :roll:
What is a Cat? Cats do what they want. They rarely listen to you. They're totally unpredictable. They whine when they are not happy. When you want to play, they want to be alone. When you want to be alone, they want to play. They expect you to cater to their every whim. They're moody. They leave hair everywhere. They drive you nuts and cost an arm and a leg. Conclusion: They're tiny women in little fur coats. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
If the cat has a chair or sofa spot, they usually don't get moved, you go elseware to park! Plus once you do find a place to lounge and a cat (we have 3) takes to your lap, the other person has to get u drinks, the remote, food, reading material, the ringing phone, whatever, so as not to disturb the feline. We call it having the 'con' (sp?) from the submarine movie Crimson Tide (having the con meant the control tower o something). Yeah, they are spoiled. Our water fountain is always low. The water dishes always full.
My cats have the water fountain thingy. They get super premium food (Prescription Diet T/D and Eagle Pack... but they do have teeth like kittens!). I swore I would never spend a lot of money on a cat, but I ended up buying them an Active Cat cat tree (not cheap). One cat likes to open the bathroom door when you're in there. They get fed before I do in the morning. They get more immediate attention when they whine than my boyfriend does. And of course, I change the litter box.
Yep, most pets are spoiled alright. Ours only drinks from people drinking glasses, has her own bed in every room of the house, spends more time in my armchair than I do, etc., etc.
My cat, Boo Boo, is also adopted from a shelter when he was 6 months. Badly abused. At first he wasn't spoiled, at least no more than a "normal" cat. I think most cats like to sleep with their caregivers, and you quickly find them snoozing in creative places: -a partially packed suitcase -the cupboard under the sink (He opens the door, hops in, and closes the door behind him) -on top of the smooth-top electric stove (Nice and warm) -under the blankets after you make the bed -inside the dryer after you've taken a fresh load out I was away on business for almost a month last year so my parents looked after the cat. My Mom apparently fed him by hand, and now the only way he will eat is if I dip his dry food in canned food and plop it into his mouth. Hey, they're great pets for people who are mostly homebodies anyway. I'd probably be even more introverted and nasty if I didn't have a cat.
Our cats water consumption skyrocked when we got the fountain. According to our vet kidney failure is a major cat killer and this goes a long way to solve it. Our cats also love their automatic raking litter box and will sit on the stairs to wait for it to be raked if another cat has used the box. As it turns out this has about a six month payback since your use of cat litter plummets once you get one of these.