Recently, I was picking up my car pool buddy in the morning and was driving out of her apartment complex when I had to stop for a cat sitting in the middle of the drive. Other than meowing at me a few times the cat was clearly not impressed with me or my Prius and not interested in moving. My passenger had to get out and call the kitty out of the way so I could pass. This week I was on a small residential street in stealth mode again and a cat crossed the road in front of me. I slowed to wait for her but she stopped halfway across to look at the car like she couldn't figure out what it was. Is stealth mode confusing the kitties? Anyone one else noticed this? Are my Prius and I destined to be stared down by the local felines? :glare: Or were they just admiring my ride?
Put a set of hydroedges on there -- low rolling resistance, but the racket they make ought to be effective in scaring kitty away...
I think they're just checking you out, wondering where your cat avatar is. If it really bothers you, playing "Who let the dogs out?" at high volume should drive them off.
Oh God no! Not ANOTHER 'reason' to bell the hybrids. My cat too was curious, until I trained him that Prii are actually stealth attack cars. I've accelerated at him enough times that he now knows to run for his life.
lol.. I had a similar "problem" with local wildlife when driving around country lanes where I live.. Normally rabbits hear you coming a mile off with a standard ICE car.. but Prius, under 30mph on electric, catches them by suprise.. also doves/pigeons sitting in the road.. just sit there..
Slow down as you approach cat. Wait until you are about 5 feet in front of it. Lean on horn. Even Prius horn at that range will dislodge cat. Cat that does not move under those circumstances should probably be removed from gene pool as contributing to the unfitness of the species.
Thanks to all of you for your suggestions. A Prius should not have to tolerate such impudence form wildlife or domestic pets. I like the squirt gun idea. Maybe some rock music on the radio? I agree that "belling" the Prius is a terrible idea. A squirt gun or loud rock music should work for everything and everyone right? ound:
Imagine driving around with bells on the I once put a handfull of gravel in someones hub caps for a laugh... hell of racket.