But still the V8 is King here in Europe, since we have the Autobahn (a road with no set speed limit which allows you to get to work quicker) The RS4 happily thunders along at 155mph, with the limiter removed i hope to get to nearer 175mph, i don't get many to the gallon, but, if it ever dies it can all be recycled! You hardly pay anything for your fuel in America anyway and what's all this tax you can claim back? I don't know much about your US speed limits but how do they expect you to get anywhere at 75mph!
Another video for you too! But i have to have made 5 post's first so i will put it below!!! You can delete me if you want but you must be having fun with me!
75 will get you anywhere you want. maybe not fast enough for your brain. and to make your day even better.... germany is putting a lot of those autobanh to a speed limit of 120 or 130kpmh so wy buy a v8 anymore? a 1.0 liter 3 cyl wil do the job just fine
I take it you've never actually been to Europe. MPG (or rather, Kilometers per Liter) is king where gas is twice as expensive as it is in the U.S. Why do you think they have been driving small cars for decades?
Well Mr Stev0 your wrong, i live in the UK which a less commonly known part of Europe, infact i think we discovered the USA:usa2: at some point in history! And as for your caption about the fuel being twice as expensive please see my quote "You hardly pay anything for your fuel in America anyway" I do not wish to 'Troll' as you call it and this isn't a personal attack. We have millions of Prius's here in England that clog the roads of London as they are exempt from congestion charge (even though the congest just as much) I can't even get a taxi without having to step into a Prius. My previous Job was at Lexus, now although we dont have all the same models here in England we do have the RX400 and we have recently got the LS model too. They are good Hybrids!
And as far small cars - we are not all as obese as the majority of America - thats fact not just a nasty comment. A 'Compact' as you call it will fit 5 English people in comfort, or about 7 Eastern Europeans!
This guy must have lost his job and is just pissed at the world right now. I guess when you're paying $10 / gallon for gasoline, it's easy to get pissed off at the guy that can afford a Prius and is paying fraction for gasoline that most others are. The hybrid premium obviously has a much faster payback in places where gasoline is so much more expensive, I can only imagine that it does piss off a lot of people and makes them envious. And yes, gasoline in the US is *WAY* too cheap. It should have been highly taxed for mass transportation infrastructure and alternative fuel development years and years ago. Fortunately, I spent many years driving fast and powerful sports cars paying a $1 / gallon. Now I'm taking a break until the Tesla like cars are in the $50K range at which point I'll buy one with all the money I'll be saving with the Prius
I don't envy anyone who drive's a prius, although i do envy the fuel costs you have in the US. It costs me £80 about $160 to fill my tank (70 ish litres) not sure it would cost you that in America. A Prius isn't an expensive car, i would say it is actually cheap considering the technology and features the cars have, and, the newer prius isn't really a bad looking car - i hate to say that. But my idea of fun isn't photographing or making video's of my MPG, It's driving a real car. I regulary drive from Oxford to Munich and there's nothing more thrilling than the power of the car and the noises it makes while driving. I don't worry about my fuel costs as it's covered by the All Star card!
Ok, sorry if I've missed this in another post on this thread but, if the Prius is so lame and isn't a real car(in your mind only, apparently) then why are you here except to be a huge PITA. You can't possibly realistically think you'll convert anyone; or can you?:deadhorse::blabla:
So you come here hating the Prius. Then you get your facts wrong Then you tell everyone what to buy Then get your facts wrong again Then you hate the Prius again Then you make yourself look like an nice person ( not that you haven't all ready ) Then you decide you like the car Then you express your feelings on what you think is not fun. Then you tell us what you think is fun So why are you here? Sounds like you are one confused little kid that need to get a life. No one here cares what you think. No one here cares that you like driving fast and and not caring about anyone but yourself. If you want to go on to the internet and go to people you don't like and tell them you don't like them that's you problem but that just makes you looks like an nice person. I'm sure you don't do this crap in real life because you know you would get your nice person beat. Thankfully for the anonymity of the internet little kiddies can act all tough and make an nice person of themselves without getting their nice person beat to a pulp. There is a difference between people like you and people like us. We don't go on to other forums and brag about our MPGs and then brag on how sh*tty and gay you car is. Get a real life. We have work to do.
I think this guy made a valid point "You obviously have no life or you wouldn't be posting here" I think that sums up the members of Prius chat quite well! :banplease::banplease::banplease::banplease::banplease::banplease::banplease::banplease:
Audi RS4 - now it's not mine as it's company owned, it just costs me tax from my wages for fuel allowance and the dreaded company car tax! But its cheaper than ownership as servicing/insurance e.t.c. is all covered! Just private fuel to pay for My studies show that the average prius driver has an ugly wife and children that get bullied at school 'by the bigger kids' as daddy is one of those tree huggers! :croc:
A demonstration of your superior intellect, I take it. Wow, the RS4 sure is fast. Only my bike could outrun it. Of course my bike returns 37 MPG in town. Yours gets 14/20 according to the Audi website, which is better than my truck (14/17). Of course my truck also has the aerodynamics of a bully barn. I doubt however, you even get the EPA numbers the way you claim to drive this awesome car you claim to have. I guess that is why you are home harassing Prius owners. You can't afford the fuel to go do anything. Mike
I just find it so hard to believe that you are actually old enough to have a real job given your demonstrated level of maturity, writing ability, and critical thinking skills. I would have guessed that you were a middle school student or early high school student ("secondary school", I think, as you call it in England). Most people who have a career, pay bills, and are working toward other life goals (such as starting or caring for a family) tend to value their time too much to be doing what you are doing here at PriusChat. Normal people don't care what others choose to drive. If anything they would join a forum to discuss operation and maintenance of their own particular vehicle, not someone else's. Tim
Post a photo of you standing by your company car. Holding today's paper. Don't photoshop out your euro-mullet or your Scorpions t-shirt.