I have a post on a popular Bay Area motorcycle forum about buying a new Prius. Some disgruntled guy complained about hybrid drivers doing 45 mph on the freeway - "I was cruising up 50 at 75 in the #2 lane today, all of a sudden there's a huge backup for no apparent reason, turns out some ### was driving 49 mph in the #2 lane,so busy watching his mpg he didn't look up when I honked a foot from his window, *&^ these unsafe imbeciles that think they are saving the world, how many lives will their inattention cost before they wake the *&^ up?" At first I got mad, but later promised I won't be one to hold him up on the road and that I would encourage other hybrid drivers to go with the flow.
When I drive under the speed limit I'm in the far right lane either behind a slow moving truck or in front of it. And I don't drive slower than 55 on the freeway, not even in the slow lane.
So let me see . . . It looks like you are saying you were driving on Highway 50 at 75 miles per hour . . . ten miles per hour over the speed limit, yet you are complaining about someone else being a hazard on the road?
It is your car and gas money so drive it like you want. As for myself, I'm not the least bit worried about it. Over time, you might learn how to find the slow lane and masking traffic. Other traffic will see the masking vehicle and life is good ... if you find laid back driving enjoyable. If not, again, it is your car and your ga$ money. Gas has become a little cheaper and with a Prius, we're not quote so directly driven by the cost. Driving at the speed limit is not the only trick. Tires, lubricants and warm-up all help. This is after all PriusChat.com and folks here are pretty sensible about using what works. Bob Wilson
I drive the Speed Limit PLUS 1-2 Miles over the limit! But around here most people drive 10 -15 MPH Over The Speed Limit. I have people riding my tail all the time and dirty looks. The only time I go slower than the limit is when I am alone on a local road. Perhaps when the price of gas hit 5 or six bucks per gallon, they may slow down to the limit.
First off, Boy RiceRacer is the last person that should be professing about proper driving habits.......'Getting within a foot of someones car on the freeway and blowing his biker horn'........ Sure, driving below the speed limit in anything other than the far right lane is ridiculous. They need to wise up or get off the road. But so is barreling down the freeway 15-20 over the speed limit, running up on others, tailgating, swerving in and out of traffic....with a smoke in one hand a cellphone or lipstick in the other. How many idiot, selfish, arrogant SUV moms, CrewCab cowboys, and Bimmer autobahn wannabees do that crap and cause multi-car rollovers in the big cities everyday. It's said drivers should go with the flow. We'll who sets the flow? How does the speeder have any greater right to speed than the person who tries to drive the speed limit? The speeder is breaking the law. It's funny, folks are just fixating on the Prius they may see driving the speed limit, get pissed off, and bolt around them, only to find another car slowing them down too. But this time, it's not a Prius, it a fellow P/U, or SUV, or Muscle boy car. What do they think then? Most people on the road are stupid, regardless of what they drive. That's the bottom line. And there is nothing wrong with driving 60MPH in the far right lane. My son has a friend who failed the written test for his learners permit. As it turns out, he never even studied the road rules book. So that means his parents made no effort to take this driving thing seriously and prepair him. They took him for a driving test, fully knowing no study or effort was put into the endeavor. What kind of message does that send to the kid about the importance of knowing the rules of the road. Can't wait to meet him at that next 4-way stop sign, or merging onto the freeway. Oh, I forgot, he's played "Need For Speed - Underground" since he was 9. I feel safer now.
If you want to play into the speed nuts fantasy with a "pledge", fine. Just know than in doing so you legitimize their BS.
I agree with you NYprius1, I drive the speed limit unless I am on a road where there are no other cars. Here in So Cal if you are not going at least 10 mph over the limit you are getting the looks etc. I took my first little road trip this weekend and got 51 mpg's with cruise control at the speed limit. Sure everyone was passing me but I had not problem with that. A few folks coming up quickly behind but that happens when I used to drive 80 in my former auto. When gas was over $4 I thought that folks were a bit better with the speed limit but not the case anymore now that it is $3.75. That to shall chaange.
Thanks Godiva .... for some perspective. The issue here ISN'T PRIUS DRIVERS, it's left lane bandits. They are everywhere, and they create very unsafe driving conditions for everyone on the highway. While it's illegal in most states, I've never seen anyone pulled over for this offense, and probably never will. Of course some Prius drivers are left lane bandits. And for those who are .... shame on you! ... Brad
I try not to impede traffic by cycling as fast as possible. Down a big hill, I shoulder check twice and pass on the left.
Last time someone gave me crap for "doing 45 on the interstate", he had been chewing my nice person down the EXIT RAMP. I basically told him where he could shove that philosophy in a routing situation. . _H*
Just yesterday morning a little after 10 Am, I was going eastbound on Hwy 92 about 1/2 mile before the San Mateo Bridge (San Francisco Bay Area), when a blue Prius pulled into the fast lane going about 10 MPH slower than the flow of traffic in that lane. (For a Saturday morning, there was moderately heavy traffic on the road - probably because of the 3 day holiday.) Boy did he really piss-off a lot of drivers, especially considering that there are 3 lanes of traffic going in that direction. I can understand why road rage exist with drivers like that thinking that it is their civic duty to enforce the speed limit while obviously creating a hazard to everybody else around them. Keith
I disagree with your comment. There are plenty of drivers of other cars that do the same thing. In this particular case, this is a Prius forum so there is a lot more attention paid to the Toyota Prius and Prius drivers. The experience that I had yesterday while on a 200 mile trip just so happen to involve a Prius. I believe that the timing between this particular thread and my experience is purely coincidental. Keith