i have used it for years on different things, and i think it helps a lot. makes spilled stuff 'bead up' so you have a chance to get it off before it stains... i will definitely treat the seats of my prius when (IF??) i get it
John reported somewhere on his Prius Page spilling something on his seats, and it cleaned up without a trace. Apparently the fabric comes from the factory already treated with something.
that would not surprise me either. most carpet comes pretreated that way as well. but the problem is that when you DO spill something, and then especially if you need to use some sort of spot cleaner or whatever to get the last traces, you are also depleting the protective coating. so for years, when we cleaned up a doggie or kiddie mess on our carpeting, we would do whatever was necessary to clean it, and at the end, put a fresh coat of scotch-guard on it.
I got some 303 Fabric Cleaner and 303 Fabric Guard as well as some of the 303 Aerospace Protectant and used all on my Prius last Saturday. Didn't have to use much cleaner (only 2500 mi. on car so far) and totally treated the upholstery and the carpets/mats with the Fabric Guard. Used the 303 Aerospace on tires, rear compartment cover and my boat vinyl and fiberglass. Don't know how well the Fabric Guard will work (hope I don't have to find out) but I would expect it give comparable results to Scotch Guard. Will also use the Protectant on my hot tub cover when it gets installed. I've found all products to be easy to install and colorfast....at least on my beige interior. Make sure you leave plenty of time for the Fabric Guard to dry--the chemical aroma is a little strong. Is this the case for the Scotch Guard as well? Their website is www.303products.com.
scotchguard doesn't have much of a smell in my experience, though it might be different in a closed car, i have used it mostly in the house
According to two different posts I read here a while back, The 04 Prius interior fabric is Alcantara. Alcantara is a premium grade microfiber fabric whose individual fibers are coated with polyurethane. This gives it breathability and stain resistance. It seems to me that this coating on the fibers is the reason that it seems to take so long to dry any protectant that you spray on it. My wife and I chose to not spray anything on the fabric interior since it seems like we would just be trying to put one protective coating on top of another.
If it is indeed Alcantara, you'll want to read this: http://www.alcantara.it/istituzionale/manu...one_inglese.pdf
I think this is a better link because it also has a link to cleaning products suitable for use on the fabric. (Along with various language instructions.) http://www.alcantara.it/english/automotive.../automotive.htm then click Maintenance.
I just got through treating the entire interior of our brand new Salsa Red with Ivory interior with Scotch Guard. I did it over a period of three days, and used 2 cans on the fabric. I don't know if it would make any difference or not, but I didn't want to saturate it . I sprayed the seats, arm rests, and console. On the carpet and mats, I used one can of Scotch Guard carpet protector. My wife just left on a trip to Florida today with 2 kids and 2 dogs! I'll let you know how it works out. She did call and said that she had just passed our usual refueling spot going into Texas, and the gas guage had hardly budged! Gotta love it!! Tom
I swear by the scotch gaurd treatment thanks to one big event. My 60 lb dog and me were on our way to the vet to have his anal glands checked as he has been farting alot. Well on the way we found out why!! he had lots of runny nasty fecies all over the back seat for a 10 minute drive to the vet. when I got there I gave him to the doctor and they graciously gave me some rags and towels and it all came up no prob I was soo happy!!