Now it's not every day you see a Prius running down the 1/4 mile drag strips, and today you won't see that either! That's because anyone who actually enjoys driving would never invest their own money in such a slow, ugly and and unimaginative car. It's one of the only cars i know that has alloy style wheel's as standard that are covered over by wheel trims. You may only get the same MPG as an M3 (see attached) w But that doesn't really matter when you think what happens to your battery once your car is dead Not such a green lot now are you :der: So there is only one conclusion Buy a real car - That can give you Economy AND performance - if you can manage it, you might even have a stylish car! But, i suppose with all the money you save on fuel you can you can afford to go on holiday more often, think how much pollution the plane makes! In the lifetime of your car it might save a tree - but with all your extra holidays you will kill a forest! I REALLY REALLY hate the prius and as for those STUPID STUPID G-WlZZ things (which i make it my mission to unplug every time i walk past one in a car park) i wish they would all be burnt! Bring back the V8 and the fuel guzzlers! Global warming, a warmer more summer like environment for us all! TROLL!
member from 2007 and only 2 post being this number 2? are there members hacking in the system or what?
My guess is that the troll posted a year ago and the post got deleted but the account did not get banned. Now the toll has nothing better to do but to log in and start trolling again.
For Top Gear employees, their work is on the race track. But mine is on the real road... a commute shared with many others like me driving to work. In this real-world environment, I can get 70 MPG easily during congestion. Overall, I can average 55-60 MPG. I made this video to prove it. Let me know how real M3 can perform this well in the real-world traffic. [ame=""]I-495 LIE Traffic Congestion Utopia (70 MPG in Prius)[/ame]
This post was actually kind of entertaining. Reminds me of something... My best friend and I, fresh out of college, bought our first cars right around the same time. I bought a Prius for reasons I need not explain to this crowd, but my friend decided to get a Mazda Speed3. He said he wanted to make sure he had something that was "fun to drive". Please note that the Speed3 is different from the regular Mazda 3. It is much more sporty and gets far worse fuel economy. Anyway, since making his purchase, the first thing he has done is change out many of the brand new stock parts to make it even more sporty. I'm not sure how much this has cost, but it's not cheap. He has also enrolled in a performance driving class. Now, this is all for the purpose of being able to take his car to the track someday and see how fast it can run the 1/4 mile in a very artificial environment. But over the lifetime of the car I would be surprised if he takes it to the track even 10 times. To each his own, I guess. That's fun for him. But as usbseawolf2000 mentioned, as a Prius driver I get to have fun with my car (at a very low cost) to the fullest extent almost every single day, just driving to and from work. Tim
Yes you may achieve 70 mpg, but how far over 70mph can you reach? I dont mean to come in here and just cause trouble i just enjoy wathing the reply's! No hard feelings!
Your question assumes that everyone is into speed; not every one is. I would like to turn that question around to you and ask, how close to 70 mpg can you get at any speed? By the way, my current tank is at 96+mpg after 682 miles. Can you come close to even 1/2 of that?
Ok, here it is. Before everyone starts with the questions about the miles I stated, I made a trip from Elkhart, IN to Sandusky, OH(Cedar Point) last July and found on 4 separate 50 mile stretches of the Ohio Turnpike that my odometer was under-reporting by 1.6%. With that out of the way, here is the picture:
On which roads in America do you even have the opportunity to legally exceed 70 mph? Since there are none around where I work and play, that ability is pretty low on my list of priorities in a car. Apparently the Prius goes up to 100 mph, but I've yet to find a situation where I could put that to the test... Tim p.s. I know, I know... I shouldn't feed the trolls...
I wonder how old this post will get before the thread is deleted? Had a great laugh the other day at the expense of a V8 driver but it is too funny to recount in a thread which will be deleted. Lets just say the fool was so proud of his burnout (on a public street) until I made him feel foolish.
What a froot loop! I know my Prius can go 75 since that is the frikken speed limit. I didn't buy the Prius to race it, I bought it to save gas. Let me roll out my 9 second street bike, or my Nissan Maxima, or heck... even my 425 HP pickup should outrun your so called "sport" compact. It's really slow since it takes almost 6 seconds to get to 60. Go away. You obviously have no life or you wouldn't be posting here. Mike
So far, the self-identified troll hasn't personally attacked anyone or used foul language or otherwise violated any PC regulations. Having said, that, no one has answered his question: The young Mr. Gore was arrested for driving at speeds exceeding 100mph in his Prius. How fast do trolls need to get busted over the speed limit? Is that the question?