Hi All, Just wanted to share my "geek moment" with all of my PriusChat buddies. I was pretty pleased but nobody but another Prius owner will understand! Take care, Tisza
BTW, the MPG was after just a couple seconds from a dead stop. Boy, I never thought I would see the day when I would be ashamed of an MPG lower than 30 . My, my how quickly things change :lol: ! Take care, Tisza
What I don't like about this picture is the temperature. 63 degrees? So unfair. My little snowlfake has not gone off since I bought the car!
You are right. 63°F is downright chilly for many areas in California. The clock shows 3:10 . . . Who knows, that could have been a nighttime temperature. My guess is Widdletink was out with her friends after the bars closed, cruising around looking to pick-up some pretty LA metro-sexuals. Just this week we were enjoying some mid 80s temperatures too . . . but let’s not forget . . . it’s Winter up here and Summer down there. :wink: http://www.news10.net/storyfull1.asp?id=9674
My snowflake light has been on since I got mine too. I can't wait for spring is supposed to start a week from today, but it may say spring on the calendar, but I don't expect to see spring weather until long after that. Agh
So how exactly did you acheive a full green BSOC? Recently I'm stuck in blue and 3-4 bars from being full. I'm jealous.
Oh, that's easy to do. Just move to Winnipeg, Manitoba, and drive the car at -20 C or colder. Especially -40. Most of the time the SOC is green, and only your nose will be blue. I think that's a warning sign of frostbite ...
i remember green batteries.. i remember full batteries.. i still get them every once and a while.. but these new tires don't allow the system to stay as charged as much. we.. they just drain my battery faster.. which is harder to recoupe. long stops (since the wheels weigh more) allow me to charge up still pretty good.
63º... BRRRR!! a good way to get all green is to head down the grapevine... or any other big hill will do it. obtw... it was 70º here today...
70°(!) The summer week has arrived five months early in the South Puget Sound. OMG! Did the Earth tilt on it’s axis 47 degrees in the opposite direction? Somethin's Bass Aackwards.
well its a good thing but with consequences. the snow pack was 15-40% of normal. over half of the ski resorts in the Cascades NEVER opened at all this year. there are already a half dozen cities that are on water rationing alert already with the governor looking to make it state wide in anticipation of the water shortages that are bound to come. this is the 3rd driest winter and driest since the driest winter on record in 1977. but that dry spell was followed by one of the wetest springs on record making the overall rain levels normal. we are currently on pace to have the driest march on record after the driest feb on record. we have set record high temps several times in the past month and more than a few record high overnight lows. but the most telling stat is that since the first of the year, southern cal has had THREE TIMES MORE RAIN than we have. i dont think that has ever happened before. so the weather isnt unusual. we simply traded with LA... i guess...