I went to the Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve on Saturday (3/12) with some friends. While we were preparing to leave, I saw at least 5 Priuses (including my own) in the parking lot. Some pictures below as proof. I saw two more coming as we were driving out. Any fellow Prius Chat members in that bunch?
How were the poppies?. I've been thinking of going up and seeing them especially after so much rain. Any idea when the best weekend will be? Would you recommend I go up next weekend or wait another week or 2? I MAY have my own Prius soon and will be able to help enhance the parking area.
Put the camera down, then your key fob, and slowly step away. There you are, in the most colorful place on earth, blindingly orange flowers as far as the eye can see, and you are taking photos of... cars? ;-)
OK, just to prove that I don't just have Prius on the brain , here are some pictures of the poppies. Thanks to all of the rain we've had recently, it's supposed to be one of the best wildflower seasons in a long time.
great pictures, ALoLA. Any chance that you have some in a larger format? I would like to use the bottom two for wallpaper. It's going to be a long time before we have flowers like that in Chicago. To keep from affecting everyone, you can Private Message them to me. Thanks!
Anybody visit Anza Borrego State park yesterday? Saw at least 6 other Prius Silver, White, Tideland and Driftwood. Left a card on the driftwood with license plates from Huntington Beach.
THAT is way too funny. The first picture offered in this post looks like my girlfriend and I at the Poppy Reserve on that EXACT same date in my 2005 Prius, Tideland Pearl. I still don't even have my plates yet. I can vouch for ALoLA...there were several Prii there on that day. I'm still picking myself off the floor after seeing the photo. Too funny. Anyway, we're going back in a week to check on the progress of the poppies. Bet there will be even more (Prii AND Poppies!)