DJ available for weddings,funerals,divorces Contact:Jan PS:Give me plenty of notice of your event [just so i can get the doors open]
Those boys may have some skills but that does nothing for me. Overall it looks like the car weighs a ton more and if you ever had to get out of that car quickly.....
lol. sorry, but i cannot help but laugh! you take a good looking prius and use a 15 year old mentality on it that is what you end up with. yes it is their hobby. yes their mod skills are great. i cannot knock them for that. but there is something to be said for style and class that this car is lacking. it will do just fine though in a parking lot with a bunch of other "enthusiasts" with the hood up and everyone impressed with how much money you can spend redoing a car in the tackiest way possible. just watching them open the door was the most painful thing i saw in my life and typical of how bad these cars are thought out. One of the most used pieces of the car and they hack it together like a child just wanting to get a cool effect.
haha i think its awesome. truly one of a kind. who cares about fuel economy when it comes to pimping out a car? i think this could be the most modified prius i've seen