I am in the process of installing the SCCI-ToySCI Sirius system, but do not know how to remove the front right vent cover (without scratching the pristine finish, of course!). Thanks for any help!
Hi there welcome to the group!! I used a Mac Tools Clip removal tool. It inserts 2 metal fingers between the plastic pieces and you then squeeze. Out pops the piece. It will pull towards you. If you have not seen this, read it! Its a great guide!!! https://www.metrotpn.com/documents/PDF%20Files/Prius/Eddie%27s%20XMRadio%20Install/PriusXMradio3.2.pdf Go to the Mac Tools website, MacTools : BT326 - Clip Removal Tool Buy this tool, its worked VERY WELL for me!! $35 bucks, well worth it!! Good Luck de Pat KK6PD
I use a Panel Removal Tool bought at Autozone for $7. Works good. I'd imagine something like a butter knife would probably work just as well.
I've done this many times and it's really easy...once you get the hang of it. The trick is to pull straight out.
Open top glove box and remove lower glovebox, grasp and try pulling the vent straight out. If you still have difficulty, reach behind the vent and push the bottom tabs out from the inside, to get it started. Be patient. keep trying. It will come off. Don't resort to using tools like screwdriver to pry it off, or you'll mar things up and be sorry. A plastic putty knife used carefully can be helpful at the top of the vent. The next challenge will be ensuring the harness locks into place when plugged into radio. This is a typical problem with the harness. Once you get it plugged in, push up on the locking tab, and that should do it. Give it tug, if it unplugs, try again until you can tug and it stays locked in place.
I used a very thin screwdriver with a small piece of cloth on the tip. Then inserted the screwdriver near the top edge of the vent and slightly twisted. Came out quite easily.