Hello my green peoples! I dont have a prius yet, Im looking into buying one. I currently own a 2004 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V. It gets about 47mpg highway and about 38-42mpg in the city, depending if I occasionally romp on it or not.... Its supercharged so the gas mileage is teh suxorz right now and premium gasoline is hurtin my pockets, especially the few days before payday... Im interested in the Prius because I hear it gets excellent gas mileage and I want to retire my Sentra from being my daily driver and dedicate it to a track only car. I mainly registered here because like all cars, Im sure the Prius has its own problems. And thats what I want to find out, you know, do a little research and all that jazz.
hey and welcome... im a newbie here also. I recently bought an 07 prius and i absolutely love the thing. It has more kick than expected, but idk if it can beat a supercharged sentra spec v or w/e. You should def get rid of that thing and get a sweet prius!
Test drive one. Make sure you take it out where there are cross winds if you'll ever have to do that once you own the car and be sure to go around a corner. That will tell you a lot of the problems with the car.
If premium gas is hurting your pocketbook, then so will a new car payment. You're already getting great mileage in your Nissan, and you might have performance withdrawal moving to a Prius. And if you drive the Prius like you drive your Nissan, then the Prius might not get more than 38-40 mpg, either. Sounds like a Yaris might be better for your financial situation. As far as "having problems", the Prius is a very reliable and trouble-free car overall. Is your Sentra about to go out of warranty? I would imagine repairs on the supercharger could get expensive.
Are you saying I can get better fuel mileage in my Nissan than I can with a Prius??? Thats weak. I thought they got like 60mpg and higher. I have money saved up so I can pay straight cash for a new car. I dont like to break in my savings just for fuel money. Plus I drive a lot back and forth to work and doing various jobs that I have going on around town. I guess maybe a Prius is not for me. The supercharger is not stock, its a Procharger and just the fact that its in my car voids the entire warranty, but Im not much for warranties because I fix everything myself.
oh okay idk why you called me a troll but w/e. Ur just hating because i have a jdm prius xrs and ur just sitting there with the normal prius. Dont hate on me because i have a better version of your car. This is rediculous!
It depends on how your drive the Prius. Have you looked at the current Prius window sticker? It's rated much lower than 60 now. They used to be marked with 60 back when the EPA test gave misleading results for the way the Prius works. It's not the Prius' fault, it's the EPA's flawed testing method. You can get over 60 mpg in the Prius. But you have to use certain techniques, and you definitely will not get that kind of mileage driving it hard like you do your Sentra. Ask yourself if you have the patience to learn. Some people get 50 mpg without trying. Some people get in the low 40s. It depends on you more than the car. But if you're expecting to drive it off the lot and see 60 mpg, then yes, you will be disappointed. Test drive one and see. Do you have to carry equipment around town for these jobs? The Prius is a much larger vehicle inside than you would think, and the fold-down rear seats plus hatchback give you a lot of cargo room. There are aftermarket plug-in conversions for the Prius that can take it well over 100 mpg – that is, if you want to drop another $10k on top if the price! There are very few vehicles out there that will get you over 38 mpg with the kind of performance you have set up on your Sentra. You might want to look at the TDI Jettas. Try Fred's TDI Page. TDIClub.com. VW TDI Enthusiast Community and see what's going on there. The Prius is no sports car. It's a balance of high gas mileage, ultra-low emissions, and the ability to seat five adults, or two adults and a lot of cargo.
It's pretty much a cult here. You have to say that the Prius is the perfect car with NO shortcomings or you're a troll. It also helps if you live in a 'high density population center', don't flush your toilet after using it to save water and wear Birkenstocks.
Welcome! Testdrive the Priuschat website also -- use the search feature and you'll have more information than you need to make an informed decision.
Well, If I can get 47mpg out of my sentra driving it the way I do, Im sure I can get more out of a prius. I went and test drove one this weekend and its not too bad. I know its no sports car and I dont expect that from it, I just wanted to try to get better fuel economy. Is all. I may be getting one, I havent fully made up my mind yet because I still have other cars to look at.
well according to Fuel Economy the average driver of a Sentra reports back with between 26 MPG - 29 MPG except there is one driver with the base model manual transmission who reports back 35 MPG. So I think you need to recheck your math.
Buying any new car including a Prius will almost certainly cost more than keeping your Sentra, unless gas gets a lot more expensive.
Well, my car is not like those Sentras on that site and I am no average driver. So those results do not show any results of a Sentra with my setup and driving habits. I need to recheck no math. I hope you dont believe everything you read on the internet. And like I said, If I buy a Prius, the Sentra will be strictly a track car. So fuel for the Sentra will be minimal unless I do a road course event. Which still wouldnt be that bad.
It's not easy to find a Prius to test drive, but if you're an aggressive driver or a "recreational driver", you should try any vehicle before buying one. I read about the cross wind and cornering issues before I ordered my Prius, but since my other vehicle is an S-10 Blazer, the Prius does better with both- not perfectly, but better than what I have. It isn't at great at accelerating, but it beats my 7 year old Blazer! Yep, the Prius has shortcomings, and that's okay. It's okay to point them out on here. It's not cool though to pretend you own one but you don't. What you are used to driving, how you like to drive, where you drive and how much you drive will determine how much you care about those shortcomings.