... maybe they'll listen eventually. I was fuming yesterday, since I upgraded to a 7.1 DVD and it killed my Coastaltech Override. I am still fuming. While I was searching for a solution, I came across this site: Toyota Navigation It's all about being pi$$ed over the crippling of the navigation system, the radio, the phone, etc.. So I saw a number there (800-331-4331) and called and lodged a complaint. The lady seemed aware of the issue, took my name and info (to add legitimacy to the complaint) and after typing furiously for a bit, said it will be reviewed by upper management. While it may mean nothing if only a few call, if more of us do it, maybe someone at Toyota will wake up and fire the moron who came up with the current system. So, call and whine. It can only help....
Good News/Bad News Good News: After some searching, I found a way to be able to utilize the updated maps of 7.1, while still retaining the ability to override the Nav block with Coastaltech's device. Bad News: The response to this thread helps explain why Toyota can get away with crippling the main computer UI in their entire line-up, with nary a peep from their customers. It reminds me of an old Soviet-Block joke: "Some Party hacks were bored at their nightly drinking binges, and decided to see how far they can push the docile population of peasants. ---- So they called a meeting of the local peasants one night, and made a declaration: "As of tonight, the workday for all peasants shall be extended to 18 hours." The peasants sighed in unison, then with a bit of quiet murmur left the room. ---- The next night, the Party hacks called another meeting, at which they declared: "As of tonight, all good-looking peasant wives, shall be entered in a random daily drawing, with the winners required to entertain and succumb to the wishes of the Party hacks and their honorable friends and guests during the night." The peasants sighed in unison, then with a bit of quiet murmur left the room. ---- On the third night, the drunk Party hacks called another meeting, at which they declared, that at 8 in the next morning, all present peasants shall be hanged by the neck. There was silence among the peasants, then a lone arm raised from the back of the room. In anticipation, the Chief Party hack shouted: "Hey, you, peasant! Are you objecting to our decree?!" The peasant from the back of the room shuffled uncomfortably, then with a trembling voice said: "No, Komrad, we were just wondering, if we should bring the rope, or if the Party will provide it?"" :doh:
Just a quick post- Why would anyone spend the extra money on a factory nav system in any car now, when portables work so well, can be clipped to the dash or into a drink holder so easily, and cost so little? They can be moved to any car, rental even, and work alongside everything else in the car without interfering. Informed Blackbird user since 2005.
I have the NAV system, but I really had no choice, unless I wanted to wait for some future car to come in. I got an especially good price because it was the last day of the month (last November) and the dealer (he said) was desperate to make quota. I got enough of a knock-off from the MSRP that the NAV system was essentially free. I already had a Garmin Nuvi and I find it to be much superior and far more accurate. It's so much easier that my wife sometimes plops the Nuvi on top of the NAV system and uses it instead. That's pitiful.
I have both the Garmin Nuvi and the built-in system. I much prefer the built-in system. It has a bigger screen and a less Mickey Mouse way of displaying map information and directions. I also like the split screen for highway travel. Having the Nav system integrated means not having to store and mount it each time, having it out of the way, integrated voice commands, and dead reconing during loss of GPS signals. My only real complaints are the cost of updates and the stupid lockouts when moving. Tom
"It's the bigger screen, ...!" - as Carville used to say. Kind of like a TV, you can do portable, but I still like my 60" plasma better But, again, if enough of us call Toyota to complain, may be 2010 will come without the idiotic nav lock. So, call and complain!