I have a 2008 Prius with Package and I love it but just one tiny little issue every time I go over a bump or pot hole I almost lose control of the car. The Skid indicator lights up as if I am slipping or sliding which I am not?? Any ideas? I know nothing about cars but could it be the suspension. Is this something I should mention to the dealer when I have it looked at or is this normal?? Thanks
I also have a 2008 package 2 which does the same thing. I never really thought much about it till I read this. I would say it is normal and since the tire torque is diffrent in a pot hole the car reads this as a slip. This also happens with just simple bumps for me usually while coasting or while on the brake. The car just senses a change in traction. I think this is a good way for you to know it is working even if a little too sensitive.
Typically, while going over a bump or pot hole you will see the "skid light" iluminate. The stability control is very sensitive. However, I've never experienced almost losing control of the car. What I did find when I took delivery of my '06, the front end alignment was way off. I would check that before looking into suspension issues. If you search this site you will find many posts dealing with alignment. Pay particular attention to the recomendation of adding more toe-in. I did and my stability problems went away. P.S. I got even better handling by swaping out the OEM tires for Goodyear TT (195 size). Good luck. Oh, the dealer should not charge you for the alignment since you just took delivery of the car. Also request a print-out of the before and after alignment settings.
Hi All, During braking this happens, because the motor that is providing the braking torque, has allot of torque for the size of the tires. If its happening to you when just rolling along, you should have the alignment checked. Make sure you get the toe in slightly positive. The spec has a tolerance which spans positive to negative. Negative toe is unusual, and can cause stability issues. A good improvement can also be had with the BT Tech chasis stiffener plate, which is available for sale on this site. I have no pecuniary interest in the plate, or this site.
Hi Libby, This is normal given the Goodyear Integrity tires that are original equipment and offer relatively low traction. The only good thing I can say about those tires is that mpg is good from day one, while with other tires a break-in period often is needed to realize maximum mpg. If you grow tired of seeing the amber skidding car show up frequently, buy new tires (not necessary to increase tire treadwidth unless you really want to) and you will be pleasantly surprised at the improvement.
+1 on the tires, especially if you over inflate them. Get some good tires and the car will handle a lot better. Tom
Can anyone recommend a good tire to put on my prius. I also live in Mass and have to drive in snow... thanks....cause again I know nothing about cars...